Saint Dharma

Well, I can say that Judge Jackson knew what she was doing when she slapped the gag order on him because it’s known that Roger Stone can’t NOT shut up if his life depended on it.
This is a jackwagon who took great pride in being listed as one of the Watergate conspirators even though it horrified his parents.

Because producing something that produces a negative gets people talking about the relevancy of the brand, the reasons why it did it, etc. is a lot cheaper and generates more traffic and is also sustainable by the traffic generated by the inevitable correction, edit and sometimes apology, and meanwhile we’re still

Stealing that.

Surprising, but not shocking. Nintendo and Sony have the hometeam advantage.

The problem with tracking these kinds of calls is that there are programs out there that can make your VoIP phone seem like it's a local call but it's not. The Kiddies out there have figured that much.
It's going to take someone dying from this crap for someone to finally say "Enough." I personally feel that these

I have to agree with Yahtzee in his review of Five Nights at Freddy's. Jump Scares are cheap and not really scary. The really good scares are the ones that don't rely on cheap tricks and camera effects.


Actually, I would like to see a sequel to this game. Why? Because one of the problems that I've had with Rockstar (at least when it came to their content, not their gameplay) is that their world-building sucks.

One of the things that made GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas work for me is that I actually *cared* what

The site listed isn't working.

@Reimu: Last time I played, the constant attacks by Ceasars' Legion made it unplayable.

Remember, there is always a man, a lighthouse, and a girl. How the girl relates to DeWitt is irrelevant. For this kind of narrative, her being related changes the motive. Elizabeth in this case appears to represent the seductress, not the angel.

While I would agree that the Kid in the Corner Scene is pretty damn scary, my personal example of High Octane Nightmare Fuel would have to be the scenes with the Smile Sisters and the Smile Family.

When I heard that cover of "Fortunate Son" I damn near cried myself. I sure hope they can get clearance for the rights to sell the soundtrack with those covers on it, because what they have done is no less amazing than the world that they built.

How could I say that? Simple; they took established modern musical hits

#9: Respectfully, I disagree with you on Cloud Atlas. While I must confess that I have never had the pleasure of reading the original source material, I had no trouble following the various plot threads to the central themes at its' core. That said, I totally agree that a TV show version of Game of Thrones would be

Here's a question: Why hasn't Alan Moore been approached to write an episode?