
I agree with your proposals but the connection between climate change and police brutality seems weak at best. It comes across as an attempt to use current events as an opportunity to write about your issue even though it's not really related.

Yeah weird, it is almost like the Remake isn't a 1:1 copy of the original game and everyone has already known that for months now or something. 

The story here reminded me of Rebuild of Evangelion, another remake that lets its characters struggle against the original plot. Both FFVII and Evangelion belong to roughly the same formative moment in nerd culture, and the creators have chosen to recreate that experience in a way that makes nostalgia and anticipation

Now that pretty much the entire game industry is delayed your work here is done.

Here’s the best, easiest, and most definitely free way to play games for, I’m guessing, the majority of us reading here: dig into those backlogs! Last year even without a quarantine I finally played and beat Alien Isolation (ha), Dark Souls, Spec Ops, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Ni No Kuni, Hollow Knight, and Zone

They can’t even get the BO smell out of the stores what the heck do they think they can do with coronavirus?  

This feels like I’m eavesdropping on a therapy session.

I still think they look fine up close idk

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, START, F

thing is, i was at a gamestop over the weekend and i thought this sort of store was what they should be trying. i’ve never had bad experiences at gamestop, which i guess makes me some kind of freakish outlier, but i thought building a more open marketplace for people to actively recommend and try games together would

Even while I was hesitating clicking on the article in the first, I still ended up being utterly baffled by the really twisted logic here. And before anything else, I still have not seen a definite or, to be honest, even indicative research on what is the benefit, if any, of transathletes have in their sports,

I liked this one, but it always felt like a game I wanted to play it on android so I neglected it pretty quickly. Kind of regret that now, not that I could’ve kept it going by myself, but you know.

This is the only response here that sounds like it’s from someone who has been anywhere near stuff like this. The OP’s whole “fucking management, we noble gamers, the real stakeholders here, will wait!” As if 6 more months of development time isn’t 6 more months of overhead from the coffers of an industry that tends

Nothing in this particular article states what exactly the crunch conditions are for CDPR for the next 6 months, other than they will be working overtime.

As you get older, that will only happen more often. Steel yourself.

Just a heads up: If you get shitty or mean in these comments I’ll remove them. Go be an asshole somewhere else. 


Jsfc this comment section. Gamers will turn on anyone, for anything, the moment their vision of that person is challenged.