
"You're pocketing it wrong"

I've always wondered, why not print the same bills, but a complete mirror image? This can easily be recognized as counterfeit so its not an issue. Then, shoot your scene as your normally would, except flip it in post production so the money looks real to the viewer. Everybody wins.

This was the most critical paragraph of the story for me:

Just because you think something is a problem doesn't mean it's actually a problem.

Just in time for Sinkhole de Mayo in a few days.

How about Johnny Galecki?

No, he's a smart guy. You don't put your wife in your homebuilt creation, no matter how good a job you've done. You buy her a car off the shelf so it just works without any hassle and let someone else be the tech support department for it.

Woah woah woah, entire country? haha it's 80 degrees here in So Cal.

Last year a petition was created on the White House petitioning system to make the metric system the standard in the United States. On January of this year it had over 25,000 signatures, more than what's needed for the Obama administration to officially respond. According to wikipedia the state of Hawaii is

Ever since I was in elementary school and learned how the metric system worked, I was like... WHY ARE WE NOT USING THIS IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. Also, Star Trek next gen used it, probably swayed my opinion quite a bit.

I'm a realist. I realize that a blanket ban on all guns isn't going to solve all our problems. Especially in the States, because firearms are such a large part of the culture and the mentality. But by all means make the fucking things harder to obtain. Remember that "illegally obtained" guns aren't just buns bought

Maybe the Academy needs to create an Oscar for "Best pan-n-scan by a telecine operator" so these guys would get the credit they deserve for the artistic value they add to cropped versions.

For some reason, I was REALLY hoping they were buckyballs.

So this thought just occurred to me while perusing all of these fabulous comments. While I've owned a console since... I can remember, I still buy and play computer games. In fact, most of my game purchases over the last five years have been through steam (in quantity, not in dollars spent). The reason for this (IMHO)