Saint Anima

Sort of happy that I didn't take the plunge for the original if this one really is coming. Would be cool if they released it as DLC for the people that already own it though.

@Rachel Fogg: Jet was my favorite character in 3 just because he was so similar to Rudy. Sure, he was the complete opposite attitude wise but that made his point of view all the more interesting when you discover his secrets.

@Multi_V: To be fair, 5 went down that route and it's one of the main reasons that it is a step in the right direction.

@Rachel Fogg: Hey, if ya liked the first two, then you're awesome in my book.

@Rock74: Wild ARMs 3 just had that classic feel to it. When 4 came along, I started to question the direction of the series. The Hex system really hurt me. I feel that 5 could have been better without it also.

@Rachel Fogg: You haven't played Wild ARMs 4 or 5? They've been out for a while. You're a strange one though, because I feel that 3 was the last really good one in the series. 4 was so so, and 5 was good but had flaws.

Hey Sony, give me Wild ARMs VI or give me nothing. Well, maybe I'm going a little too far with that but yeah...just how I am.

That's interesting. I've played it and while it's okay, I found the older games to be more enjoyable. Soundtrack was pretty good though, like usual.

Not bad, though the only ones I would really want to play are the Oddworld games. I'm a proud owner of both Blood Omen and Um Jammer Lammy.

@Archaotic: Hopefully it'll come before the Holidays. Want to play it again after watching the vids last night.

Good to see that it's coming along well and will arrive soon.

Interesting. Maybe I'll give it a look later on.

It may sound silly, but stuff like this makes me want to wait a little more before I even consider getting one. Hell, maybe they will eventually come out with a "slim" 360 that is much improved and comes with Natal.

@Crash__Man: Cutesy characters + Nintendo + Nonviolent, simple and charming game play = "Casual, Just for kids", etc.

My most anticipated PS3 game this year. Hell, probably will end up my PS3 GOTY.

Now playing

The new trailer for Lunar: Silver Star Harmony has hit Youtube! Definitely my PSP game of the holidays. Excuse me as I giggle like the Lunar fanboy I am. Tee hee...

@gold163 Can (Not) Advance: No love for the Sega CD or Saturn? I think I'm the only one who may prefer those two over the Genesis and Dreamcast. >_>