We'll get it one day. It may be digital, outsourced and lacking a great OST, but we'll get it.
We'll get it one day. It may be digital, outsourced and lacking a great OST, but we'll get it.
Yeah, I understand. I hate it when companies do that, though. Dragon Quarter is not the only game to drop its number when it gets published elsewhere.
I know it wasn't officially labeled that in the US, but Dragon Quarter WAS Breath of Fire V. I'd still take a new (proper) Breath of Fire in any shape or form, though.
Same here! Although I'm still messing around in Graces f so I'm not sure if I'm willing to open it just yet. Would hate to juggle both of them at once.
Well, you know how companies are. You want a sequel? Prove it with your money. I'm sure they're trying to gauge interest with how well the HD ports do.
I don't really understand how Capcom cannot utilize PSN and Live to release a new installment. Instead of that, we'll get upgraded ports or remakes of their other franchises. I'm fairly certain that a properly priced digital Breath of Fire would do pretty well.
Silver Star Harmony, while not as memorable as the Sega CD or PSone/Saturn releases, was decent. If they stick to that formula instead of going nuts like they did with Dragon Song, it could be alright.
Rumor has it that there is an HD update coming soon. Rumors are just rumors, though.
:: sheds a tear ::
Loved your JRPG articles on Joystiq, so I'm glad you're going to be giving the Kotaku community a dose of all things JRPG.
Looking forward to this very much. The Chris segments look a little action heavy, but it's Chris and I love that guy. Also nice to see Ashley back in the mix...with a bald guy.
Agreed. While I wouldn't mind a Vita game, I want them to make a game that I would want to just sit down and relax with in front of a big screen, with some Meguro in surround sound. They had some success with Catherine, they can have even more with a SMT/Persona game.
She means a real mainline Shin Megami Tensei game, not a game from the Persona series (although it is branded under SMT now, it's still not a 'SMT Game").
Looking forward to see what the Kotaku of 2012 will hold for all of us, Totilo.
I am also terrible at goodbyes, so I'll say the same thing I said on the McWhertor farewell article:
It is very story focused; more so due to the fact that there are only four main characters that you can choose (there are a variety of different vehicles you can select from past games though). Each character has a fleshed out storyline with one or two endings, I think.
I agree. Wasn't too much of a hex fan. There has to be another way of using the traditional battle system while giving it some more depth.
Love this series to death. I hope it finds new life on the Vita if they don't want to bother with a new console release.
Was an honor reading your articles for the last few years.