Saint Anima

@Nobuyuki: Ozma is back to take revenge on all who defeated it in a previous lifetime.

@MrBionic: There's a couple. You have some multiplats like Eternal Sonata and soon to be Vesperia, and exclusives like White Knight Chronicles, Disgaea 3 and Valkyria Chronicles (if you count SRPGs as JRPGS). There's some others, but it's true that the 360 has gotten a good amount of JRPG support.

An error, Square Enix? The only error is the fact that the game wasn't multiplatform in the first place. It could have done so much better.

Ah, a blue DualShock 3. Welcome home...I will treat you well.

@Pezdispenser: That was classic. Along with the scene where Arche was dreaming...

If anything, I believe Tales of Phantasia didn't come to the states officially until its GBA port, so it's okay. A lot of us missed out on it.

@SaanZ: I wouldn't go that far. The fifth game was a turn in the right direction after the "meh" fourth. The biggest problem with the series is that it's very hard to live up to the quality of the first three games, especially II. It's possible, though. The team just needs to make its fanbase happy and not worry about

Blazblue (going for the Platinum, two trophies to go), Lunar Legend, And Valkyria Chronicles. May dab in a few others if I get the urge.

@Archaotic: Would be the best news coming out of TGS for me. Unless, Konami also decides to do right with a certain JRPG series it owns...

Glad to see more FFIX love, even if it's just a figure. I would probably go bankrupt at one of these events. Eh, let me rephrase that. I would go more bankrupt, if that's even possible.

@ithyphallus of his own will recommends Kotaco!...: They also gave the PS3 its own Unreal Tournament 3, with mod support and all that good stuff. It's not like that haven't supported and won't support the PS3 at all this generation. They just had more success on the 360 thanks to Gears.

@OspreyDawn: It'll come to life if you lock it inside the small little cupboard with the magic key.

Damn. I simply cannot wait for this game. I enjoyed the first one so much, and it gave me my first Platinum Trophy. So far this looks to give me a whole lot more enjoyment, both story and gameplay wise. Hell, I even enjoyed the multiplayer, and I don't play online shooters that much.

This looks awesome. Wonder how long it will take to get over here. Guess I'll need to convince two pals of mine to get a DS in time.

Well, it is an honorable request. An honorable request to not play one of the most wanted games this gen in Japan. Hmm...this won't end well in that case. It will end well for the new owner, though!

Hmm, never tried this before so I guess I can give it a shot! Would be my first experience with the Elder Scrolls series. Yep.

@ashlar: Damn, I would love for those to finally make their way here. Sometimes I don't understand Namco Bandai. Though we got the PSone version of Tales of Destiny so many years ago.

Hmm, was planning on buying this game sooner or later, thankfully I haven't started a game on it yet. Sucks for the players with all those hours poured in.

@Aethyr: R.O.A.C.H.: But hey, the Wii is also getting Tales of Graces, so it's not that much of a loss. I would have wanted a PS3 only Tales game myself.

I'm hoping this makes its way over here somehow. I don't see why it shouldn't, since Eternal Sonata came out here too for the PS3 so many months later.