sailor venus

Your common sense is stupid. The techs in my shop typically test drive cars they’re working on and maximize that time in realistic scenarios by driving to lunch. Every shop I’ve ever worked for has done this. The ass clown in the story just took it too far about his 10 year old one headlight POS 350Z. The dealership

I'm sure the couple didn't give a shit because OMG JHud! Their wedding cannot be topped by any of their friends wedding now. They have official bragging rights.

Werd. I am my step fathers daughter. No questions asked.

Jesus loved everyone. It was King James who said gays were bad in his version.

My eight year old would have named it Fartville or Fluffy Buttopolis.

Don’t like gay marriage? Don’t get gay married. It’s not leprosy, you won’t catch it.

She was 43? I assumed she would be older than that. I guess I'm used to 30 year olds playing teenagers. She actually played her real age. I'm baffled that she was only 11 years older than I am.

Craig Dortmund:

LOVE my Clarisonic. Been a user for 3 years now. Just make sure you wash the brush head with hand soap after every use, because it will hold bacteria and spread infection on your face to create more acne. I learned that soon after owning mine. It was awful, but now my skin can stay relatively clear. Also, I don't get

It’s an inappropriate birthday cake. It's made from the minds of people who can't lose at Card's Against Humanity.

My Mini is perfect for doing this. I get evil satisfaction out of doing it.

The Expedition isn’t offered in diesel, and with diesel being cheaper than gas right now, it makes it a not so desirable vehicle. Especially in comparison of the amenities that GM offers over the Ford. Now, the Excursion being offered in a gas and diesel will sell well.

Or people are stupid like the dumb girl I almost hit the other night wearing all black crossing a dark intersection when she had the do not walk signal.

I don't doubt that. All new cars are less reliable than old cars. Cheaper materials, more electronics.

Ford Service Advisor here. I just looked for a TSB on this. If yours didn’t give a code, then the TSB redirects the tech to regular diagnostic and to not perform. We are instructed to follow warranty guidelines and can be charged if warranty kicks it back an unnecessary repair. That’s probably why you were told no by

Or Beavis.

Can I be transterrestrial and claim I’m from another planet?

You forgot Sephora. Sephora let’s you return anything that you’re not satisfied with. They’re website even says you can return to a Sephora store if bought in a JCPennys location on a JCP credit card.

Too late! I already gave in to their stretchy seduction. They are the succubus of waistbands.

J Crew is expensive, but I discovered their elastic waist shorts this year and bought a few. OMG they’re so comfortable. LONG LIVE THE ELASTIC WAIST TREND GOD!