This is cleverer than you're getting credit for.
This is cleverer than you're getting credit for.
Brian is indeed talented and driven. Prince George is a member of a centuries-old institution that, whether you like it or not, has brought joy, glamour, and pride to millions of people and, as such, is the subject of international interest. (Moreover, he is not, as far as we know anyway, a toxic narcissist.) There's…
I love that you use a .gif of Brian Kinney to decry privilege and entitlement ;)
I’d always assumed that one day, while hiking up a mountain trail, an immolating shrub he met just started spilling T.
Nope, because that would mean that Adam “Calvin Harris” Wiles would then have to do a cover of “Everytime,” and I’ll have exactly none of it.
What are your feelings on al fresco wolf-man boning, though? Because, I... can see the argument.
The perineum subtext.
I think the real question is how bad does something have to be for the designer of Yeezy to consider it "not a good look"?
Thank you for being That Guy that I was afraid to be. XOXO.
Absolutely. If there’s one thing I’m a whore for, it’s a portmanteau.
I’m a whortmanteau.
As I was reading, this was all I could think about.
I have to admit, this has definitely been me. But isn't part of the point of karaoke to get up there and do what makes you happy? Even if that what is parking and barking out "The Wizard and I" like it's the very last night of your run at the Gershwin?