
These looks look like they could have been culled from any Banana Republic or J. Crew outlet. Every set picture I see from this reboot has been a disgracefully drab disappointment. WHERE IS MY OPULENCE?!

Was that an extremely stealth pun, or a happy accident?
(Y’all real one’s know what I’m talking about.)

Don’t forget “Little Fires Everywhere”!

I... hate this. I hate everything about it. The cast— diversity notwithstanding--
looks like a copy of a copy of the original gang, and I have no doubt the storylines will be follow suit. And these clothes are blander than water soup. I watched OG GG for the opulence, the decadence. This is just looks like a mediocre

“The Tale of Laughing in the Dark.” With Zeebo the Clown. I’ve always been afraid of “Man from the Gallows” stories. This one was no exception. 


You hate a popular property. Congratulations on your recently acquired personality. 

I used to cosplay as a gender-swapped version this character for my niece and nephew when they were little! I would wear glasses and tie a wooden plank around my waist to become Uncle Glass-Eyes-Wooden-Tail! They were not sufficiently terrified.

“Muriel’s Wedding”?


But the loss of all those endorsements reminds me of that wise old saying:
“If you can’t feed the baby (Jeah Jeah!)
Then don’t have the baby (Jeah Jeah!)“

“...another assumed that it was “an art student walking about in a blanket”.

Amy to In Touch: Why did you spread those vicious lies!
In Touch to Amy: Because you didn’t spread those vicious thighs!

Concur. I wasn’t really here for this until I found out Josh and Stephanie were involved. GG was the physical manifestation of everything I’ve always wanted to be, and I have been forever blessed. I can forgive the last two seasons because, in my my, the last two seasons don’t even exist! :D

“Good job, Skittles.”
If only someone— anyone— would say this to me, I’d probably drink a lot less than I do.

I. Was Just. About. To post this. This episode is the only thing I can think about when I’m unfortunate enough to be reminded he exists.
“We were kissing and stuff and then I went down like I was going to go down on him and he’s uncut just fyi, and hairy, but the worst part was the... the SMELL... [A]nd he looks down

I’m really just here to profess my lust for Daniel Radcliffe. I expect my kind will be underrepresented in these comments.

Not. Enough. Mining. I've never. Said that. Ever.

Audra McDonald! Audra McDonald for all the things!