These looks look like they could have been culled from any Banana Republic or J. Crew outlet. Every set picture I see from this reboot has been a disgracefully drab disappointment. WHERE IS MY OPULENCE?!
These looks look like they could have been culled from any Banana Republic or J. Crew outlet. Every set picture I see from this reboot has been a disgracefully drab disappointment. WHERE IS MY OPULENCE?!
Was that an extremely stealth pun, or a happy accident?
(Y’all real one’s know what I’m talking about.)
Don’t forget “Little Fires Everywhere”!
I... hate this. I hate everything about it. The cast— diversity notwithstanding--
looks like a copy of a copy of the original gang, and I have no doubt the storylines will be follow suit. And these clothes are blander than water soup. I watched OG GG for the opulence, the decadence. This is just looks like a mediocre…
“The Tale of Laughing in the Dark.” With Zeebo the Clown. I’ve always been afraid of “Man from the Gallows” stories. This one was no exception.
You mean something like...?
You hate a popular property. Congratulations on your recently acquired personality.
I used to cosplay as a gender-swapped version this character for my niece and nephew when they were little! I would wear glasses and tie a wooden plank around my waist to become Uncle Glass-Eyes-Wooden-Tail! They were not sufficiently terrified.
“Muriel’s Wedding”?
But the loss of all those endorsements reminds me of that wise old saying:
“If you can’t feed the baby (Jeah Jeah!)
Then don’t have the baby (Jeah Jeah!)“
Concur. I wasn’t really here for this until I found out Josh and Stephanie were involved. GG was the physical manifestation of everything I’ve always wanted to be, and I have been forever blessed. I can forgive the last two seasons because, in my my, the last two seasons don’t even exist! :D
“Good job, Skittles.”
If only someone— anyone— would say this to me, I’d probably drink a lot less than I do.
I. Was Just. About. To post this. This episode is the only thing I can think about when I’m unfortunate enough to be reminded he exists.
“We were kissing and stuff and then I went down like I was going to go down on him and he’s uncut just fyi, and hairy, but the worst part was the... the SMELL... [A]nd he looks down…
I’m really just here to profess my lust for Daniel Radcliffe. I expect my kind will be underrepresented in these comments.
Not. Enough. Mining. I've never. Said that. Ever.