
Yeah, but did it ever seem to you that they struggled with Myrtle’s characterization for a while, and then, almost arbitrarily, they were like, “So... let’s have her like... fashion, I guess? Surewhynotlunch.” And then that became her only defining characteristic?
(It bothered me. Coven bothered me.)

That last one has always done it for me. Got me like:

This. I completely mentally edit that final episode out— it’s the only way I can look back on the show with any fondness. (TV Tropes calls this “fanon discontinuity”; I think that’s neat.) This is one of my favorite shows ever, and that reveal constituted a major betrayal. It's like taking someone back who cheated on

How I'm preeeety sure I look whenever I'm wasted at Thanksgiving.

It wasn’t that the Humphrey’s were poor: Rufus was a successful musician in the ‘90s with a lot of royalties, and Alison (his mother) was a successful visual artist. Remember, Dan and Jenny weren't scholarship kids. It was just that the UES kids of Constance and St. Jude’s were so obscenely wealthy, that the

Attempted rapist, thank you.

(Seriously, though, I love how, as the show wore on, we were supposed to think of him as this Byronic hero, altogether forgetting that he tried to rape and/or sexually blackmail 2/5ths of the principal cast.)

“Boo, decadence!" says Chipotle stan.

I read this comment and developed spontaneous and temporary dyslexia, and now all I can think of is combining ten tops and three bottoms, and how yes please.

That's all you need. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to tweet at Alicia Florrick until she makes me her man-bride.

I'd ex his patriot from here to Moscow.

Driving. Me. Insane.

Then you have bigger problems. Like being a monster.

Eh. It's no one involved's best work. Or worst. It's just a thing that happened where Julianne Moore plays Eddie Redmayne's socialite mother, and they have sex sometimes. So.

Or this kind of mom...:

Right? The fact that these (well-compensated) "writers" had absolutely no clue how to tell a story always had me like:

I still hate Jeremy Renner. And now, thanks to Jez, I hate Ansel Elgort and Miles Teller. I would sleep with one of them, though. Try to guess which one; the answer might surprise you ;)

There's nothing to get. It was (is) a bad show. Like, bad in the sense that the people writing it were (are) incompetent. It didn't even do that thing that most of Ryan Murphy's shows do, where they're good— or at least intriguing— initially, and then take a quality nosedive. It was a misbegotten mess from the

“The situation is that there aren’t nearly as many Oscar-baity movies with POC than there are with white people.”

This is literally the second time in as many days that I’ve been obliged to comment somewhere on how easily that cartoon fox could get it. Honestly, I don't know how Marian stayed a maid as long as she did.

I had no idea this had happened, and, honestly, I'm gob-stopped and quip-less. Thank you.