
Me, a Dramatic Reenactment:

I could've sworn you were about to lay down a limerick. You're a 'rick-tease.

Wrong kind of sponsor, Jimmy. Was the Big Blue Book somehow unclear in that regard?

Garlic is everything!

Ugh, no more Potentials, ever. That whole concept was the worst.

I just hopes he gets added as a character in the upcoming Smash Broadway show.

I dunno. I kinda like it sometimes? For example, today I was listening to a good one of Arianna Grande’s “One Last Time.” The ballad arrangement really brought out the melancholy of the lyrics. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No, thank you ;)

Posts like this are the reason I have this gif.

Yeah, it really was sort of a...

Hey! Ragtime was a fantastic show!

Drags, reads, and shade? Someone get this child into a ballroom, stat!

I’m gonna have to ask you to not push up on my man.

I loved the Ezra Miller part! Actually, I loved the movie in general, but I agree with you that it was too long. I would’ve cut that intervention scene at the end. And also trimmed Lebron James’ screen time a bit.

Okay, but consider this: what if Rat Rat’s rat... is Pizza Rat?!

Girl, why was that even a movie? Who on this planet has ever said, “I’d love to see the story that inspired that decadently discursive doorstop that I have absolutely no intention of ever reading”? (And, yes. Yes, I am ignorant.)

Right? This condition is one of those things that sounds like a hell of a lot more fun that it actually is.
I mean, you’d think life would be like this:

The captions are even better than the pictures. I love how they use "assist" instead of "arrest the fuck out of," and how the shittiest showiest moments are simply and elegantly titled "New Year's Eve in Manchester."

Gorgeous. I'd love to design an entire room around this.