Logan Paul ruined Pokemon TCG as a hobby. He continues to do so.
Logan Paul ruined Pokemon TCG as a hobby. He continues to do so.
logging into my burner account for the first time in forever to say I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS GAME.
Whoa. After being wholly uninterested in this game, the fact that it’s getting strong reviews is actually making me want to pick it up.
As a long time fan, I don’t think these look like the 90s designs at all. They look pretty much the same as season 3's designs, except Tadano removed all the bubbly, floppy weirdness from those Precure-esque designs. Even the aesthetic of this design comes from the first two seasons of Crystal.
I know it must have been, because I appear to have triggered a handful of chodes in the greys.
I’m a woman. Even with medium-sized boobs, the simple act of running can be painful. It makes no sense for Tifa’s big tits to be unrestrained and flopping all over the place while she’s doing martial arts and other athletic activities.
Womp womp. I missed the part about the nice rehiring and severance plan thing. I deserved all these comments, lol.
I want to assume the best on his answer about crunch, but I know Japan has its own culture of overwork that extends across many industries. He seems to have answered just vaguely enough suggest they didn’t crunch, without just coming out and saying it. Translation issue?
Oh look, more reasons for me to feel good about cancelling my Prime subscription 2 years ago and just going out to stores more often when I need things.
How so? The aesthetic and tone in MUA is so different that the lack of having the movie actors’ likeness doesn’t bother me. It’s clearly a different universe.
I loved everything about this movie. As I stepped out of it, I immediately wanted to watch it again. SEQUELS, PLEASE! <3
Sort of. MMO economies aren’t entirely 1:1 with real-world economies. In the real world, taxes are put towards programs that society needs as a whole (or at least they’re supposed to). In MMOs, this is done to control inflation, which is a massive problem in fictional economies where money is spawned by a computer out…
hmm sounds like you’re not at all like John, dude, and instead felt the need to brag about how not-John you are? :p
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant. I thought that was pretty clear but I should have known that when we’re talking about VNs I needed to be more specific than that, rofl.
oh that’s a good one, yes!
I'm female!
I can! Are you interested in hearing a few titles? Some of them are yaoi/BL games though, and one of them is a horror game that’s disgusting on purpose.
The fact that this game seems to exist purely for the purpose of pushing the envelope is what makes me feel like it really doesn’t belong on Steam and probably is trolling. As a fan of visual novels, I’ve played PLENTY of them with rape, and I can name a few off the top of my head that are awesome games with great…