
Chrissy Teigan is beautiful and witty and eloquent so you shut your mouth.

I always found Tyra to be surprisingly articulate...

I rather like this one.

Kanye West doesn’t care about black people

I didn’t see the footstool dog that looked like (if it was actually a dog) it had two asses. 0/10 would not watch.

am i the only person who basically has no desire to see live action versions of cartoons? unless you are doing something like ‘ever after’ whats the point?

The part that makes me wonder: Why are they using the armors from Mass Effect?

Now playing

Hillary Clinton is Lady Olenna. Cersei has more in common with Donald than Hillary Clinton.

Burn, Donald.


Stella Bulochnikov is the only one guilting of shading....shading her cheek like she was contouring Mt Everest


No they didn’t but several of the performances tonight were not exactly up to par. I cringed more than once while watching.

I just want to know who made the decision. That person needs a serious pat on the back. The biggest pop artist of current times (and black to boot) and the most hated country band of all time

Can I have that dress plz. Also, no shade to the Dixie Chicks, I’ve always had a soft spot for them, but it seems like performing live next to Beyoncé was a bad idea. They seem like a dive bar band next to her vocals and show-womanship.

Truth. That said, Cogsworth is the best one of that bunch.

Emma: What’s the plot of this again. She fucks a dog and a candle and a clock sing at her?