
WHY IS THE DUSTER A BIRD?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

By the look of these stills, this movie is going to be hot fucking garbage and that makes me sad because I knew EVERY. SINGLE. LINE. of Beauty & The Beast when I was growing up. I would take my toys and act out the whole fucking movie and it wouldn’t even be on the in the background.

I was totally going to give the credit to Donn. Another great thing that Vicki fucked up...

This episode was super stale for me. If they had just combined the last two episodes, it would have made more sense story wise for me.

I seriously refresh the site so intensely on Tuesdays to see if this perfect shitstorm has been reviewed...bless you.


Kelly psychotic reaction to Tamra lying almost suggests that Tamra maybe was telling the truth because Tamra lies all the time so why lose your mind over this one specifically?

MY QUEEN SLAYS AGAIN. She always looks so REGAL and PERFECT and I just want to be her friend even if I’m just her poor friend she smokes weed with occasionally.

I literally just saw this on my Facebook feed and thought, wow who asked for this????


I’m cackling.

I’m bummed she didn’t get the Future tattoo removed. Actually...I’m bummed she got it in the first place....

For a long time I was mildly interested in going to BM. I (highkey) love camping, art is cool and I occasionally don’t mind going a week without cell service. But at hipster as this sounds, with all this extra celebrity attention and the fact that people can helicopter in for the cost of a down payment for house in

Dr. Drew is so gross and I honestly have no clue why most people listen to a word he says. Every call he got on LoveLine, he insinuated and sometimes outright bullied callers by saying that they were ALL victims of some kind of sexual abuse. Now while I would never try and downplay any abuse of any form, it’s