
I mean, if we are going to go below surface-level on what each of those two archetypes truly represent (Gekko and Trump), then I would have to agree with you, especially since as far as I can recall, Wayne money was old money. But what I meant was, if they wanted to make a cultural reference to the greedy 80s, calling

I can only speak for myself, but it seemed like a bad idea for anyone to play this particular character as “Trump-esque”, especially Alec Baldwin. If they want it to be a sleazy 80s businessman version of Thomas Wayne, I probably would have referred to him as “Gordon Gekko-esque”.

He’s been fighting throat cancer for like two or three years. He can’t really spare 30 more lbs. 

I also think if you did something stop-motion, you could integrate what was actually scary about those stories (the illustrations) and also keep it engaging for all audiences.

Okay, I was kind of going nutty watching that trailer because something was deeply off about that character. Not in a scary way, but in a “that guy is wearing prosthetics” way. I had actually meant to look up that actor to see if maybe he looked different in real life and this is his only credit, so I think you’ve hit

Seriously, though. Most of those Manson girls were/are insufferable assholes. It’s pretty apt casting, IMO.

See, I’ve heard that at the highest levels of Scientology, they tell you that you can levitate and/are essentially immortal. I have recently started to wonder if maybe Tom Cruise really believes that bullshit and therefore thinks there’s no way he can die doing these stunts. He hurt himself pretty good on the set of

My husband got borderline obnoxious trying to get both the NES and SNES Classic when they were first released (to his credit, he is not an obnoxious person in general). He played them both about twice and now they sit collecting dust in our TV stand, while he plays nothing but PUBG.

George Miller says that Fury Road is both a sequel to Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome AND a reboot. Nothing much changed between his earlier concept for a sequel starring an aged Mel Gibson and the one he finally made with Tom Hardy. So your theory could be correct, but I would say that the Mad Max of the first three

Not surprised to hear that. Cedar Point is legit.

I am sitting at my desk at work, trying to laugh silently and failing, with tears in my eyes. Bravo.

My mom was the same way. She always said that if they can build it and tear it down the same day, then I have no business riding it.

Barleywines are usually pretty high ABV, which is why you usually get a 10-12oz pour. You’ll be feeling no pain quite quickly if you are consuming them by the pint-full.

There are definitely barleywines available on tap. My husband is a brewer at a local place and they keg and can their seasonal barleywines.

DeSoto ISD is not the entity issuing this scholarship and they didn’t make any commitment. They simply reported her name to the state as the highest ranking student at their high school, which made her eligible for the scholarship. Whichever state university she decided to go to - UT, in this case - is the entity

Yeah, the increasing effect of radius clauses and these festivals has really fucked up the touring schedules of bands I’d love to see at a normal venue.

We’ve hit peak festival. The market is oversaturated, and with Live Nation buying them all up, the homogeneity of the lineups mean that the big fests are no longer a draw. 

And that impassioned speech happened after she knew she was out of the running for the crown. They filmed that finale before the reunion. I’ll always wonder if she’d have been so quick to challenge RuPaul if there was still a chance she could win.

Without an audience of straight men, straight women, gay women, trans women, genderfluid, etc etc etc......RPDR would still be using the Vaseline filter ten seasons in on Logo (if it were still even on TV at this point). 

But your point still stands.