
I only like Tom Hardy’s American accent when he’s doing something semi-Southern, like in the Revenant. I can already tell via the voiceover in the Venom teaser that his accent is going to annoy me, but that doesn’t mean I won’t see the movie. (You are absolutely right about Dr. Strange - worst casting in the whole MCU

You make a good point about Hurricane Katrina, because that was supposed to be the focus of S2 of ACS, but then pushed Versace up and completely retooled the plot for the Katrina season, which will be S3. The plot’s been changed from a general accounting of what happened and instead narrowed down to circumstances

I was reading this thread specifically for Butterscotch Stallion reference. I’m shocked so few people made that connection! I guess I am getting internet old, along with just regular old.

Dela said she would have sent Kennedy home if she hadn’t sent herself home. That’s what she meant by that statement.

That look on is face is second only to the look on Dhani Harrison’s face IMO. I love that part so much.

I’m so glad to see someone mention the Funko Pop’s. They released those before the season even started, right? I remember thinking how strange it was and, in retrospect, did they spoil the whole damn thing?

Unless she’d already signed a contract for two seasons.

Maybe, but Cane’s is especially bad. They usually don’t cook the fries long enough, and then they package them in a styrofoam container, which serves to steam them basically.

This is exactly how I feel about Cane’s. If the fries were consistently better, it would rate far higher for me. As it is, unless you consume them on-premises, the fries are soggy and nearly inedible by the time you get them home.

She absolutely didn’t tweet that herself. She more or less admitted that in light of her TV show coming back and her complete lack of filter/common sense, her children have taken over her social media accounts.

But seriously.....Popeye’s IN New Orleans was the best drunk food I’ve ever had in my life.

I don’t keep mentioning that as if it were the only reason she lost. It’s a pretty important factor as to why she lost AND Bill White lost, as well. He had significantly more votes because 1. he was running against an increasingly unpopular incumbent and 2. he didn’t have the kind of heat that Wendy Davis had as both

I’m not sure what you mean. Bill White benefited from the fact that he was running against an increasingly unpopular incumbent candidate. Wendy Davis had to run in a mid-term year against a non-incumbent when Democrats were not anywhere near as energized as they are now, and she was a woman and the living, breathing

The governorship and US Senate seats are determined by state-wide, popular vote elections in Texas. Gerrymandering has a huge impact, but only on the state and US house seats. If Wendy Davis had run this year instead of 2014, she would have an excellent chance of winning because Democrats finally feel empowered to run

Wendy Davis probably would have lost no matter what, but she primarily lost because the governor race in Texas is a mid-term election, which have historically low turnout nationwide, and extremely low turnout among left-leaning voters in Texas. If she had run this year, she would have had a chance and so would Julian

It seems to be getting worse. I come to town for ACL every year and we go down to 6th for our annual burger at Casino el Camino. We used to see a show at the Ritz, too, but it’s just getting so sketchy. I don’t mind homeless people, but I’ve been shit talked by one too many panhandlers because I didn’t have

One of my favorite Austin memories was eating and drinking at Casino el Camino and watching FDR American Badass on the TV over the bar. It truly is the only reason to step foot on 6th.

These actors can choose to believe, or not believe, the accusations about Woody Allen, but they’ve been out there for over twenty years. I’d say it’s common knowledge. If you don’t believe the accusations, or just don’t care either way, then work with him and if people want to judge you for it, then it’s their

I somehow thought this was going to have something to do with the allegations against his father regarding Natalie Wood.

I’m in Fort Worth, TX and it’s been all over my Facebook, but then, I follow a lot of activist groups. There’s a march here that I’ll be at, and one next door in Dallas, and both are expecting a thousands.