
All of those actors were in the film in question, hence they “would have seen 1 and 2 firsthand”, aka they would have witnessed Von Trier’s behavior toward Bjork after takes. Also, while Bjork isn’t considered a prominent actor even today, she’s a lot more famous than Peter Stormare or David Morse, then and now.

That’s why it is hard for me. I know my mom doesn’t view her behavior as vindictive or intentional. She has mental problems. But she doesn’t have the self awareness to see that what she does is wrong and needs to change, so how do you make a situation like that work? They can’t change if they can’t acknowledge what’s

I was always an English nerd, my degree is in English, and I have read hundreds of books. 8th grade English was primarily Grammar Class, and I hated it. I couldn’t diagram a sentence to save my life, not then and not now. My ability to communicate coherently comes simply from reading voraciously.

My mother and I used to be very close when I was very young (and she could control me and everything I thought and did). But as I got older and I moved out and on with my life, our relationship has become much more antagonistic, with the bad far outweighing the good. I force myself to call her and spend time with her

That’s exactly what I was thinking....Clone Beth wouldn’t have the memory of his offer.

From what I read in EW, the director says the second part will be more like the book, that he was shooting more scenes with the kids and it will be interwoven with the adult timeline.

Especially since Mike is apparently still going to be the torch-bearer for the crew like he is in the books. It made sense for him to do that because he had such a connection to the history of the place. Ben AND Mike got short shrift, for sure.

Yes, this. My only real disappointment was the short shrift given to the bullies (they could have at least focused on Henry like the miniseries did - instead we get teased with Patrick Hockstetter and the fridge showing up in the previews and then NOPE). I also feel like Ben and Mike were not fleshed out properly, and

I actually think something like the Ritual of Chud is planned for the second part. I think every potential negative of the first part can be directly connected to the fact that they didn’t know if it would be a stand-alone film or a two-parter (it all came down to how successful the first part was).

I just saw a commercial advertising their new “Munchie Mashups”, which are basically just different bowls of stuff to tantalize the stoner who is hungry but wants hashbrowns, buffalo chicken, and cheese, and just can’t choose.

Oh, didn’t you know? Only things like a woman receiving oral sex leads to an NC-17 rating. Cannibalizing babies is a solid R.

It’s the same actor!

Me, too. Now that Sansa knows what Arya can do with faces, that solves her Littlefinger problem....Arya kills him, but he stays around to keep the Vale contingent in line.

I've read the books, so I understand how they were adapted. I just think there could have been a tightening of the narrative way back in S3 at least, and in my OPINION, I feel that some of that had to do with the fact that they wanted GRRM to provide them with another book to adapt and delay the need to go off-book.

I watched the show all the way through when it aired. I never got around to liking Brenda. Nate was definitely a dick at times, but she was kind of a sociopath. Billy was fully crazy, but often comic relief instead of menacing towards the end. It’s still one of my favorite shows. I feel like it had a balance between

Season Finale: Bernard Herrmann rises from the dead to be revealed as the Head White Walker. What a twist!

If it is true that shortening the narrative had everything to do with creative choice, then that is very disappointing to hear. Ten episodes could have certainly solved at least some of the pacing problems of this season.

I saw somewhere that yes, it could be late 2018-early 2019 before we get a last season, but it is supposed 6 episodes and all of them "feature-length", which I guess means at least 90 minutes long. I hope they figure the pacing out and give us a kick ass final season.

I'm not crazy, thanks. From everything that I read, they were forced to cut down the overall running time to accommodate the cost per episode. Perhaps HBO would have been good with 18 seasons of ten episodes each filled with shitty CGI?

Benjen can't go beyond the Wall. That has been established in a previous episode. Maybe he didn't have time to explain that to Jon while he was busy trying to prevent Jon and the horse from being overtaken by wights. (As for horses and torches, I dunno. Maybe they wanted to be stealth? LOL)