Sailor Jupiter

When I was little, my mom adopted a small spaniel mix from the local shelter for $25 (she kept the carbon check copy of the adoption fee up in the kitchen.) Well first day or so, the dog wasn’t eating so my brother stuck his face in the dog’s bowl, and the dog went after him and bit him in the face. My mom told people

I love going out in my hat, sunglasses, and mask. The anonymity is intoxicating.

I was thinking his eyes would be good. Harder to creep without those. 

See I get catcalled all the time in my puffy coat and it just confirms to me it’s a power trip thing for dudes. Unless they have a marshmallow fetish. 

I wear cotton shorts under skirts (because I want more breathability than athletic style slip shorts) and that works well for me. And some megababe thigh stick around the edges.

I live in an apartment with decent storage, but not anything too crazy compared to other places I’ve lived. It’s just more square vs. being long like some galley kitchens I’ve had in the past.

Hitting up the Asian market in the suburbs of my city is on my list for my first day with a zipcar. I miss Lotte Plaza from my last neighborhood. The fish tanks! The random cooking gadget aisle! Absolutely the best stores. 

Whole Foods is my go to for produce (I even spring for delivery!) for this exact reason. The walkable market in my city to where I live is equally expensive for produce, with less selection. I’ve done Aldi and it is a gamble every time. I don’t have a car, so TJs and other stores that don’t deliver aren’t an option

I use a different sleeping mask, and I felt dumb spending $14 on “night chap stick” but my lips did not chap at all this winter. So now I am a complete convert to night goop.

I think they’ve clearly decided that us all hate-clicking to see Joan’s shitty takes is still clicks and revenue, so it is what it is. Just intentional lazy intentionally bad takes and lack of depth so commenters will say “how did you not look into x before you write about it?”

The rise of Impossible meat products has really cut down on vegetarian options at a lot of places.

There was a burger place in my old neighborhood that did this- they called it the conflicted burger. 

And the benefit of having a cake for guests that is separate from the one the baby gets to play with. 

Complete wipeout of student loan and medical debt. Paid for directly from any major donors to their campaigns.

Yes I follow an ethical clothing company online, it is one woman who makes anything and she’s really transparent about how it works. Everything is customizable to unique measurements.

The debacle of where to buy clothes then is best summed up by a TikTok video from the user @curlie_fries, who rattles off her options in a breathless monologue. “What I’ve learned on TikTok is that I can’t shop at thrift stores because I contribute to the gentrification of thrift store prices,” she says. “But I also

Should I be embarrassed to admit I had merged Joe Rogan and Adam Carolla into one person? So every time Joe Rogan pops up, I think “huh he and Kimmel took different paths after the man show.” Apparently I just blend all podcasts dudebros together.

It is 88 degrees in my apartment because my rental company sucks and the A/C has been broken forever. So I gave up on my plan on doing fajitas tonight and ordered some cheeses and bread to do a lazy cheese plate dinner the next two nights and some (vegetarian) cold cuts and sandwich stuff for lunches for a bit. I made

My mom was a Catholic Sunday school teacher/volunteer of some sort when she got pregnant with me. She and my dad never married, and apparently the priest threatened to have her excommunicated. Which my dad claims was bullshit and not something the priest could actually do, but my mom stopped going to church and none