Sailor Jupiter

Dry shampoo (I use the powdered stuff because I’m not super into the ingredients in a lot of the sprays) before I work out has been game changing. It can’t put a dent in sweat after the fact, but it can make my hair manageable after a run so I can do the quick shower before work instead of washing all my hair.

I made iced coffee with instant this morning and wound up doing a soy milk iced latte because I’d poured the milk before I decided I wasn’t into a smoothie today after all.

That was my issue with the Cult podcast. Reviews said it was well researched, but it was so lazy about trying to pronounce any names and would mention there were sources out there that they hadn’t bothered to review before they taped.

It’s weird to say I “grew up” on scripted crime, but CSI and its spinoffs and SVU were very much big in my childhood. So it’s odd getting into true crime in my late 20s/30s and realizing so many storylines from those shows are directly pulled from real cases.

Was there a standout crushable/hot dude for every generation of SNL? Because for me and my small slice of friends during ‘00s, it was (is) Andy Samberg. Which oddly I’m closer in age to Pete, but I think celebrity crushes are most intense as a kid and teen.

Yup I have not yet unpacked my attraction to Bo Burnham after watching the special. I guess “can acknowledge and articulate what he’s going through in a way that is pleasing and relatable” makes sense as being an attractive trait.

The issue I ran into with Bumble BFF (using it pre-vacc, so it may have highlighted the issue) is that it is really designed for 1-1 connections, when everyone I talked to on there was looking for a group of people to connect with. So you’d be having a handful of chats, but there was no real way to coordinate a group

My thought for her in particular was it was supposed to look bad, like the mom was forcing her into these dresses that are clearly unflattering and fit poorly on her to fit into the style of what everyone else is wearing, but maybe I was being generous. 

My only confusion with this piece was realizing I’d always head straight for the clearance section at DSW. So I was unclear how you could wander form aisle to aisle, since I could cruise through the size 10 clearance aisle fairly quickly. I sort of forgot about the entire rest of the store. 

This is the only time I’ve ever appreciated being approached by a stranger at a gym- a female trainer (worked at a different gym, not on the job) came up to me after a set of dumbbell chest presses to tell me I could be lifting way more weight than I was using. 

I am wildly overdue for a haircut, so between a long denim skirt and my now butt-length hair, I know I’d be looking like a sister wife in this. 

Insertion really was not a big deal for me either time (I’m a bit jealous of people who get meds for it, both of my doctors just went for it) but my removal sucked mainly because my strings had been cut too short. I don’t remember it physically hurting, but it was super stressful because if the doctor couldn’t get it,

This is another perk of working from home. I am able to work out in the morning, and even if I woke up late and don’t get to do my full shower routine, I can still squeeze in some fitness and then change once I’ve cooled off. I’ve gotten a lot fitter without having a long commute. 

I highly recommend the thin Turkish style towels. I got one for traveling because I’m a big person and I always felt like I needed to wrap myself in 2-3 hotel towels. It drys you off quickly, then it drys out very quickly. 

I swear I’ve mentioned this in another Jezebel thread, but Grimm was peak furry agenda TV. 

I’ve seen it in fat social media spaces, especially after the AHS casting this article started with. 

I think a lot of people have shitty experiences online dating, and instead of deleting the app and coming back to it later fresh (or finding other ways to meet people) they just start being shitty and weird to other people. Then it sucks for everyone. Plus people can’t be honest with themselves/others on what they’re

I have a pair of t-shirt dresses from Amazon I bought in a desperate desire for thin comfortable dresses with pockets I can wear to walk my dog when it is super hot and humid out. But at 5'10"and a ~ size 18/20 lady, I do find that they’re going to expose the shorts I wear underneath, especially in the back. My butt

What a great kickoff for what sounds like a great series!

Yes real fruit bits make it the best. I’ve been wildly craving it now that I live in Virginia. Which is odd, I never craved it living it DC where it might have been easier to get.