I don't really want to judge this woman if there is a chance she really is ill. "Tricking people" into thinking your pregnant and having a hysterical pregnancy (pseudocyesis) are two very different things.
I don't really want to judge this woman if there is a chance she really is ill. "Tricking people" into thinking your pregnant and having a hysterical pregnancy (pseudocyesis) are two very different things.
Why is boy, "Der Junge" then? Is boy not diminutive?
I mean that it's definite article isn't the feminine (die) but rather neutral (das). Not the sound of the word itself.
The only gender I had a problem with was das Mädchen. Why is the word for girl not feminine!? It makes no damn sense.
This was hilarious. However the "about three ounces" was my favorite because I would often have people ask me how many oz where in the medium v. the large drink and then ask me the difference. Math is hard man.
I think someone needs to get this woman a psych evaluation.
Well I am sure St. Peter is going to have a nice little laugh as he shuts the gate on Phelps.
[redacted, I misread the article]
Good move.
I AM EXCITED!! I WAS SUMMONED HERE BY THE GLORY OF THIS POST! Also this fan art is the best fan art because it features the best Sailor Scout.
I am a chemotherapy patient and I have something similar.
Lolita is often mentioned in other documentaries about captivity but she has never been the property of Sea World so I can understand why Blackfish didn't include her. Her story is very sad though.
It should only matter that it premiered in theaters by a certain date. It premiered at Sundance and it had a limited theatrical release months before CNN ever got the rights to redistribute it.
"The movie did not get an Oscar nomination in January and we continue to take proactive efforts communicating with our guests and partners," he said.
Don't worry, Voyager is my favorite too. I am rewatching Voyager for the second time in a row right now.
I AM SO EXCITED! Taystee in a pants suit is the best thing I have seen all day.
I wish but fighting the evils of the Negaverse keeps us pretty busy. I will put it on the list!
Is that bit on child porn from the same study? I thought it focused on sex work and pimping, not the free online exchange of pornographic material. Why did they decide to throw that in there? They figured they hadn't gotten their souls dirty enough yet?
When I refer to my vagina during phone sex, I just call her by her name.
We are always happy! Just don't let the Gawker commenters know, it will ruin our feminazi street cred.