I did not. It didn't interest me. Another movie in which PWD are portrayed as hopeless virgins in need of an able bodied person to teach them? No thanks. I have seen Forrest Gump.
I did not. It didn't interest me. Another movie in which PWD are portrayed as hopeless virgins in need of an able bodied person to teach them? No thanks. I have seen Forrest Gump.
I don't know why. It seems like everyone and their mother is lining up to make excuses for Leto, even though every trans blogger I follow has come out against it. It is fucking irriatating.
I meant the missing "ing" on groundbreaking but I see it is fixed. I will edit my comment. Great post BTW :)
I seriously feel like this was another case of the Oscars holding a pity party. They do this with PWD all the time. They write versions of us that are basically a series of stereotypes meant to be pitied or serve as inspiration porn (e.g. Forrest Gump, Rainmain, etc), and then reward whatever able-bodied person they…
Her speech was beautiful. Also: BENEDICT WAS CRYING!
Amazing. Shared to facebook.
Seeing Luipta in that picture makes me want her to guest spot on OITNB so bad. It would be amazing to see her acting all tough or partying with Taystee.
Yay! This is so exciting!! All the GTers growing up and getting their own stuff :)
Anyone who ranks Cheerios above Honey Nut Cheerios is obviously a mad man.
I wish I could star this more than once.
So they do this but they don't make double health bar crunch!?
I wish I could forget Crash. I have tried forcefully block it from my mind for years after having to watch it in every race studies class for 5 fucking years.
Here is the thing they are kind of the same. I hit my boyfriend all the time and I am pretty sure that most people in relationships do. I high five him, I pat him on he back when he does something well, I even spank him occasionally (during the sexy times). So why is this ok? Because context and power dynamics matter.
We are spoiled in Massachusetts. There are 9 within 10 miles of my house.
I don't understand how this saves time/money. You still throw a wedding, you just don't tell your guests until they show up. The only thing I could see it saving money on is save the dates and invitations.
I have no children but I am sorry to see that you really aren't interested in a discussion.
Embedding insults and defensiveness into your comment isn't a very nice way to start a dialog. If you want to actually have a civil conversation than I am game but if you just came to shit stir than consider yourself dismissed.
I was hit as a child and I think I turned out "fine". Although I hate that term because everyone defines it differently and it is super vague. Like if you aren't an axe murderer is that fine? Do you have to have no mental health problems? Because then I wouldn't meet that definition. This comment was more about how…
Psych on USA!
I am just going to wait for all the pro spanking people to flame this thread with how they don't have anger management issues (in all caps).