Sailor Jupiter

My sister works in Maine for the Girl Scouts each summer and she hates seagulls more than I do. They get a lot of kids at the camp who aren't from coastal areas and are very impressed by Seagulls - mostly by their size and coloring. My sister teaches the nature class, and when kids will ask about the seagulls she will

I can't read the comments on Gawker anymore. Not only are they often racist/sexist but they almost never add anything of actual value to the conversation. It is all posturing and bitterness.

I feel like if you surveyed people about anything a good percentage of people would think it causes cancer.

Pigeons are filthy but at least they aren't as brazen as seagulls. Those bastards will take food right out of your mouth.

Never had a problem in Somerville when I lived around there in the 90s or the Back Bay area now. I only go to Allston every once in a while, so I can't vouch about the existence/absence of rats.

I went through a roller coaster of emotion. At first I thought it was kind of cute and plucky and then I started to get really sad and then frustrated - I have no idea why.

This video made me feel things.....

Sorry if I came off aggressive in the last paragraph - I was more responding to the general flow of the comments I read than to yours specifically. My apologies.

Hmm let me get my handy dandy "Is this a cult?" test. Ok so there are two competing definitions of cults in criminology

True Facts. My sister is poly and has two boyfriends. None of them are religious.

I thought I should mention that before this ruling Utah had the most severe anti-bigamy laws in the country. All this did was make their laws match what is found in the rest of the country - which is a restriction on the state recognition of multiple marriages.

You don't discuss them one at a time in a disjointed and unrelated matter. This article could talk about this case (briefly), but then it should talk about the thousands of other rape complaints that never see trial. About the fact that the NCVS reports that 1 in 5 women report being sexual assaulted in their lifetime

Alright Jezebel, I am sorry but we need to stop doing this.

That and a lot of their better performers came from writing like Tina Fey and Seth Myers. Also Donald Glover from Community started as a writer on 30 rock.

That is very true unfortunately.... Maybe if they can't hire all these women to play on screen some of them will get writing jobs. Azie Dee writes "Ask a Slave" as well. (I beleive she has co-writers on some of the episodes but it is very much her baby).

This is kind of unrelated to the post but it reminded me of a funny story.
