Sailor Jupiter

I see your line of thinking and in another context you would be right (like if he was speaking about a privileged class like protestants or white people), but mentioning stereotypes about oppressed groups, even seemingly positive ones, is still discrimination. Jewish people are an oppressed minority in this country.

Well nothing spices up my morning coffee like some casual anti-semitism.

Your manager would have been violating AMC policy then. I was crew trainer for the district so I had to know all the corporate policies. Plenty of theaters didn't follow them, but ours did.

I am glad you liked your experience but you are one of the first I've met who did. I used to work for Loews before AMC bought them and they were much better. There is one locally owned theater that was slightly better than mine but they often had to lay people off. I had friends who worked for Regal Cinemas and they

Barney's should just make everyone watch this.

That is very sweet of you, but AMC theaters (where I worked) would have made me throw them away. The entire chain has a very strict no-tipping policy and they are especially vigilant on the holidays.

I used to be a distance runner and was in excellent shape. I have an autoimmune disease and had a particularly bad flare and had to go on chemotherapy and prednisone at 8x the normal dose. I was throwing up all the time from the chemo and had 0 appetite but the prednisone still made me gain 60 pounds, pushing me into

I worked on Thanksgiving for years when I was working at a movie theater. Almost all movie theaters are open 365 days a year. Almost all of their employees also work for minimum wage under conditions that were just as (if not more) hellish than when I worked in retail.

A lot of the time that is sadly true. I live in Massachusetts and did a lot of research before choosing a cruise to see the whales. There are definitely boats, especially on the cape, that will essentially chase whales away from where they are eating. In the PNW often a cruise is unnecessary, there are a lot of great

There is some really awesome nature in Florida. My sister is a wildlife biologist specializing in herpetology so many of her favorite critters are native to Florida. They have a terrible problem with urban sprawl and invasive exotic pets that are destroying these diverse ecosystems. If you would like to help spread

The misinformation machine hard at work my friends. Sea World is disgusting. They claim to want to further cetacean research and education but all they do is disseminate outright lies and silence those who dare counter them with facts.

You are welcome.

I don't think so. I like his voice, it is very early Jazz. Anyway, Downton Abbey is not a singing contest. I thought his acting and chemistry with Rose was wonderful. Made him a bright spot and what I thought was an otherwise droll season.

I would totally love to see some Maggie Smith/Angelica Houston action!

I do not know if he is putting his clothes on or off. But I am fine either way.

Oh Zoos.... I am not a fan of Zoos. Captivity tends to be a net negative for all involved. Although, I think we can't paint all captivity with the same board brush. My sister is a wildlife biologist, and refuges and very large zoos with good husbandry practices can help advance research. They tend to have wide open

Idris Elba for all the awards!! Seriously I would watch that man review paint samples...

I was in a class on the "the Wire" in college and my professor and I once spent an entire office hours session just talking about what a fox Idris Elba is.