The bigger they are, the Harding they fall.
The bigger they are, the Harding they fall.
It looks like he’s legitimately grabbing her pussy.
My dad tipped over once while ATV’ing on the Pismo Beach Sand Dunes in California. He landed on his back with the ATV still gassed hard as he held it up with all his strength so it wouldn’t crush him. He told me he was stuck like that for a minute or so, screaming for help. Not one of us in the party heard him over…
On a day with a Muslim ban and only a few days after floating plans to build a Mexican border wall with taxpayer money, no doubt this will be the one thing Trump voters will get outraged about today.
And this picture doesn’t even show the people all the way back at the Washington Monument or Lincoln Memorial during Obama’s inauguration. I was there. I remember absolute chaos in the city streets as I attempted to make my way toward the mall. I eventually wound up standing on a railing surrounding the Washington…
Don’t give Trump Umbrellas any ideas!
Yes. Here’s the actual twitter link.
This whole idea that you shouldn’t bully a bully is so dumb. Donald Trump isn’t a 12 year old anymore picking on kids at the basketball court. He’s a 70 year old man who should be able to take it as well as he can dish it out. Fuck him.
Those aren’t his ribs. They’re his serratus anterior muscles. What a stupid article. At least show some before and after pictures if you’re going to proclaim some massive weight loss. He looks perfectly fine.
The only credible way to reverse the curse of the seal is by growing magic playoff beards.
It’s like the Mike Myers face when Kanye said Bush hates black people.
I gotta thank Chip Kelly for sticking with Carlos Hyde and feeding his average ass 30 touches a game.
Thanks Trump!
Is it “wrong bitch to put you in the right place” or “right bitch to put you in the wrong place?”
Thank you for explaining it to me. I was under the delusion that they were doing it for upvotes on Reddit.
Someone call the power company because the lights have just gone out!
If you ever talk to a conservative (I don’t recommend it) please troll them by pretending that you’re a Second Amendment gun nut who believes that guns should be allowed in football stadiums. You’d never hear someone so quickly become anti-gun in your life.
Phil doesn’t have room on his fingers for any more rings.