
I can understand the cowardliness. Almost no one would ever be willing to give their life for strangers.

Administration != Congress. This is a Senator (Bill Nelson, FL), not the President. Granted, they are both Democrats. Would Florida get a lot of the jobs from the contracts to build this thing?

Congress (Legislative branch) isn’t considered part of the Presidential Administration (Executive branch).

David it too polite to say it so I will for him, please fuck off.

Rather than going through a lot of explanation to the viewer of what you’re looking at, where you’re looking at, and why it’s on screen, there’s just a very plain-faced view of what it looked like over there. You take it in as you do.

I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to tour the Baikonur Cosmodrome about a decade ago, and visited the facilities where most of the R-7 boosters are prepped, integrated, and launched. One of the tour guides commented that it was an A-1 red letter day for the downrange Kazakh farmers when one of the strap-on

Hi Justin.

It’s about 15,220,700$.

He (or she) is a Russian troll. I don’t have a link handy right now but there have been tons of articles lately that go in depth into the propaganda machine Putin has put together to target comment sections of sites like this. Tyler’s articles have been a popular place for these Putin bots.

Let me explain the difference. American planes buzz their OWN tower, not those of Russian ships. Slightly wait.......entirely different situation. Kind of the same way it’s OK for you to screw your wife, but you might be a little pissed off if your neighbor does it.

What the fuck are you even talking about? You typed “plenty of videos” ... let’s see them?? Otherwise GFY.

you misconstrue what i said, then put words in my mouth

again i don’t know russian

So doesn’t happen? Got it

was referring to our own planes

so if a Nato or an american aircraft buzzes the tower its awesome ! fun and games! not dangerous.(plenty of videos to support this is going on) but then russia does it. its borderline act of war?

That’s my gun!!! Seriously, I was the OPS/CSO on GTN when we installed the Block 1B mounts she currently has. I was really proud of the work my Sailors put in on getting it installed, calibrated, and getting rounds down range. It was probably the smoothest thing on that entire tour.

Well, my guess is that he was saying that Trump rallies contain more fear and hate than a war zone. Accurate.

I think we could just send Trump supporters over to North Korea and let them make North Korea great again.

Well it’s not a Trump rally, yet.