
So the Russians have a base in the Middle East, and America has what, a dozen? Sell stupid somewhere else.

I have rented the same dozen snowmobiles here in utah for ten years and replaced nothing but drive belts and batteries. We go 50 miles from nowhere on a regular basississis. Gotten stuck, but not broken down. You travel in groups.

That must be why the Inuit ditched dog sleds for snowmobiles 50 years ago.

A few points. When skiing, one follows the sled and one another, to avoid breaking trail. Not as shown in the photo. Igloos are easy to constuct and do not require wood to heat them. And they are inconspicuous. Arctic troops would be well surved by ditching the camo clothing. Not impressed by the Russian army as

Yes, I have. You put a coleman stove under the oil pan for an hour or two and it fires right up.