
I just think that people should be more informed, because people enable Apple this way. No one's complaining if they don't know that it's Apple's fault. People are like "Go Apple for keeping iBooks alive!" even though they don't realize that that's at the cost of every other book store.

I would have loved to see that. I mean just to mess with Apple. Kind of how the congressional phone lines are jammed right now. The app would launch an email through the mail app so you don't even need to type, just hit send.

I would say that, personally at least, I use Google for just about everything. The only thing I use Bing for is their birds eye view maps. But otherwise, even for normal directions, Google it is.

I love how in the App reviews, people are complaining that they removed shop. Like B&N just decided that "You know what? Instead of having a shop in app... let's remove it!" It's totally not because Apple wanted 30% of revenue.

Absolutely right. And when Mac market share rises, and viruses rise, but the use of anti-virus on Mac does not rise, a lot of Mac users are going to learn that OSX can get viruses, the hard way.

Yeah, but when something like MacDefender pops up, or a virus based off of this, no one will be protected, and more importantly, you're waiting for Apple to put out a patch to fix it. On the other had, if a Windows user has a anti-virus installed, even if some other users are first hit with a virus, the program

As terrible as Windows viruses are, I feel that when a Mac virus is unleashed it's really really bad, because either people don't take any protection options, or something like this, which has the ability to hit so many computers easily.

I think (I mean logically) all you should have to do is follow these steps, but when you go to Install Lion, just point to a clean partition for it to install on.

Yeah, I remember that article too, but the only reason why I was confused, was because in this article, it says that the products are sold at the Apple prices. If there was a markup, I wouldn't even be asking.

I mean how are they able to purchase the products to sell? I mean Apple wouldn't sell them those, obviously.

I think Google shouldn't mess this up and spend as much as they can to buy this thing. We know what happened with the patent thing before. Apple getting this would be very bad, in my opinion.

How do they turn a profit

I think it's safe to say that Christopher Nolan is one of the best directors of our time. Just reminding all of you.

How buggy is Lion?

I'm pretty sure that you're referring to the MiniDisplay Port. Thunderbolt is different from that.

Yeah, I had heard about that before. I kind of knew that's what he meant, but inside I was hoping that we could get discs (for hackintosh). Now for hackintosh everyone's going to have to install snow leopard and then Lion if they want to stay legal.

So what does the article mean by "pick it up in Apple Stores"

So does this mean that they will be selling physical copies after all?

Are their discs of the update being sold starting tomorrow too?

It's theirs to lose now.