
My netgear router has an option to enable it under "Traffic Meter" in the router settings page

And it's $49.99 for new customers, as it has been for quite a long time, on AmazonWireless

What do you mean my unlimited streaming for the next 6 months (for free)?

This is the only info I could find:

Not an expert with OS X, but I think you need to have 10.6.8 installed. I remember reading that that update made Snow Leopard ready for Lion. Apple's site also says to have 10.6.8 installed.

Someone should let the buyers know that invites are shut down right now.

This is embarrassing. I have a DirecTV HD-DVR, apparently the worst of the worst. Problem is that there's a 15 minute power up calibration if I unplug it.

Those lame-stream media folk, and their newfangled "CD's"

How long does it take to shoot and edit an episode of Lifehacker, from start to finish?

I facetimed today on my personal WiFi network between an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4. Thought all around the quality was terrible. Not sure if this is some isolated experience (video resolution was so low, it should be illegal)

I see your point, but I think there's flip side to it. I mean, now when I walk in the store, I can just pick which ever price I want to pay for those features. I don't need to think about what kind of software each has.

Does anyone know of a site which can tell you if you were part of the leaked data?

I'm pretty sure that's Google Finance.

One downside might be that if you are that into your Android phone, or as the author calls it an "Android nerdlinger," chances are that you've rooted and installed a custom ROM on it.

I've tried this before. It never works.

I might give it a shot. Odds are I'll like it, and won't be able to go back to a URL bar.

Why have makers been so slow to adopt Gingerbread? I mean Froyo was adopted much faster than GB, which is still not being sold on any phones besides the nexus S/one

I had it downloaded from before, and I did know about that method. I was just wondering if there is some way for a custom rom to fool the market or something. I'm not really that up to date on the details of how the carriers block these, so I was just curious.

If you are rooted and are running a custom ROM, then these carrier blocks from installing apps like Wireless Tether for Root Users don't apply?

When it says "If you don't want to root your phone," does that mean there is a way to circumvent this if your phone is rooted?