
Asbestos can be linked to cancer and that baby powder with trace amounts of asbestos is not linked to cancer.

Let me be clear: Solo has flaws. But those flaws pale in comparison to the rest of it. This may not be your favorite Star Wars movie, and it definitely won’t change what you think Star Wars can be. It will, however, remind you of everything you love about it and, hopefully, have you grinning like Han the first time

You don’t even know what the fuck you are talking about. “Qualified Liar” is all she was and a fucking loser. And you’re a fucking loser for voting for her and thinking she even had a shot against a “populist” candidate.

This makes absolutely no fucking sense. You’re “done with him”? I’m guessing you never were fucking with him in the first place. You’re a dumb fucking Hillary supporter that is still brain dead as Fuck..whether it’s naivety or something more sinnister, a man can wonder.

You proved your ignorance in the first couple of sentences. You’re saying Bernie Sanders was LESS of an option that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump? You know how I know you’re an Establishment shill? This is a fucking opinion piece you fucking hack. There’s deffinatley not a lot of intellectualism in your’ “news