
NO, not in the same way...what fucking planet are you from? J. Random Stranger has nothing to do with a corporation withholding important information from the consumers for profit. This is fucking criminal. GtFOh

This is one of the stupidest articles I’ve read in a long time. DAFUQ?

So it’s the consumers fault that Amazon and Walmart won’t pay their workers a living wage/health benefits etc because of “our addiction to consumerism”?

Or maybe your just another Correct The Record piece of shit paid to comment on articles to sway public opinion in not wanting to have a Democratic Party candidate that actually supports no more wars, criticizes Israel for the illegal occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people, equality for all, Medicare for

Meet “the resistance”...🤔

The only reason Bernie Sanders didn’t win the 2016 Democratic Primary is not because he didn’t have the “black vote” rather the DNC committed election fraud on thousands of their own supporters. Thousands of black people (and people of all colors) were taken off the voter rolls in several states. I dare “The Root” to

Because nobody else is saying what he is saying? Whys that?

You are fucking DELUSIONAL

You don’t even know what the fuck you are talking about. “Qualified Liar” is all she was and a fucking loser. And you’re a fucking loser for voting for her and thinking she even had a shot against a “populist” candidate.

They’re not fucking talking points. His “talking points” have 100% more substance to them than anything any other fake ass politician would say. The things he repeatledy says, he’s been saying for over 30 years (youtube that shit bc their is video on him since the 60's and he’s still speaking the same shit he was then

Truth always prevails over lies..Ted Cruz lies, has history of sliminess..Bernie Sanders can be Bernie Sanders..not a fake ass talking point politician.

This makes absolutely no fucking sense. You’re “done with him”? I’m guessing you never were fucking with him in the first place. You’re a dumb fucking Hillary supporter that is still brain dead as Fuck..whether it’s naivety or something more sinnister, a man can wonder.