
The thing folks always miss about instant ramen is that it’s just a base. You’re supposed to add stuff. A few veggies tossed in can make a bowl of ramen MUCH better, and do not add appreciable amounts of time. Some snap peas, a bit of egg, and some bean sprouts and even Maruchan tastes good!

The season 5 premier of Black Mirror is brought to you by Starbucks.

as an evil manager, I would have the face of any random employee I supervise put on there. Then, as I ask them to polish the floor or deliver the mail, I would slurp their face away as they watch, in despair of my power over them

I enjoy a hot caffeinated beverage in the mornings to momentarily forget who I am.

this is a bad take

Don’t cut yourself on that edge!

But everyone enjoyed the hell out of that sweet Laurel Fjord sound.

There was always some jerk declaring they were first at each new village, no one had heard of Dawes, and the locals hadn’t built up any immunity towards canceraids, so many populations were wiped out

“Oh well...that’s our Donald! Get over it Libtards, you LOST!”

This is a state that still adores its segregationist 1960s governor, George Wallace, some 50+ years later. Over 15 years ago, I had to travel to Maxwell AFB (in Montgomery, Alabama) to pick up an Air Force Award. Part of the award festivities was to be provided a tour of the Montgomery state capitol building by its

Here’s how:

But that’s the only way real change will occur. White people need to call out other white people, on a personal level, on their bigotry. I’ve done something similar in my extended family in regard to people who are transgender. I had an uncle calling Laverne Cox a shemale. I took him aside and explained why that was

They’re finally facing the realities that Native People and black people faced for centuries in this country and yet they refuse to take it out on the correct targets: The Waltons, The Soroes, The Koches, and The Trumps.

When talking about the banality of evil, do you just let evil talk unchallenged and broadcast evil on your medium without explaining what evil is? I don’t think you should.

My dad once told me a story from the old country about a guy he was acquainted with. Nice guy. Everybody thought so. Normal, respectful, upstanding fellow. One day they were talking about a recent news event: a man had been discovered to be a member of a persecuted religious minority/scapegoat, dragged to the edge of

Journalists interviewing people like this and pointing out their “manners” or “politeness” is a recurring theme, and an especially annoying one. Jon Ronson has done it, and I was disappointed to see George Saunders (who I consider one of America’s best living writers) flirt with it when he covered Trump rallies.

The profile essentially tries to pass him off as an ironic hipster Nazi. Just repulsive on every level, from the homophobic racist being normalized to whatever editor thought this was worth publishing. These people want to kill me, Times. Wtf?

Serious question: was there really not ANYONE at NYT Editorial that looked at this and thought, “you know, maybe this isn’t really going to serve the ‘let the idiot make an ass of himself’ purpose we’re hoping it does...”?

I’m a hipster and a fraud for saying I like the man and what he stood for, even if I don’t like his music? Okay, then.