
Honestly I’d rather they pull a Starship Troopers and get someone to direct who both understands and actively despises the text rather than someone who thinks the text is flawless.

Really? Zack Snyder? The man with the subtlety of an anvil and the nuance of a middle schooler? The one who clearly revels in the idea of fascist strongmen dominating others? HE is the one they want directing an Ayn Rand novel?

Every ep of Season 2 could be a pilot for a different show.

That’s cool. It reminds me of one of my favorite anecdotes about Dolly Parton that she memorized the entire script to 9 to 5 because she thought that’s what she had to do. Her natural ability to do that drove Dabney Coleman crazy!

I remember an interview with Will Gluck, the director of Easy A, soon after the movie came out and he mentioned that Emma Stone was the most prepared actress he’d ever seen. He said that when she showed up for the first day of shooting, she knew the lines...ALL the lines...every character’s lines.

God, the “how many times she’s been down this road” revelation was brilliant. And simple, and simply presented, as Chris shuffles through the old photos. I don’t remember quite when I figured out who (what) the previous boyfriends were, but it was literally only seconds before he looked at the pictures.

It also makes her a much, much more evil character. It’s easy to get a guy to stay, but its much harder to get him to make YOU stay. That’s some masterful manipulation, and it plays into who her character is and how many times she’s been down this road.

That was a smart change.

Damn, that really was a brilliant change.

You couldn’t tell if a podcast produced by The Onion was serious or not?

That was my first thought as well. I want all the Ye on a player piano.

I hope there’s a Kanye cameo as an angry robot just so we can have his soundtrack album Kanye Westworld

For real. Use Kanye as all the anachronistic music this season.

Excellent use of Runaway.

I’m not sure what your issue is with They aren’t a Russian porn site or anything, they are a website that has been up for a few years with an emphasis on girls and young women. Their readership is in the millions. I mean, what are you claiming is more legit? Jezebel? According to the editor, this is what

Because whether or not the story is true, she’s probably going to receive online abuse and death threats if her details get out? Supposing for a second that it is true, why is she obliged to put herself through that? ‘Remain silent’ and ‘deal with Internet assholes’ should not be the only two options.

So that incredibly detailed story along with his confirmed phone number and apology isn’t enough? She needs to be outed and have people know who she is simply because she had the audacity to tell someone that Aziz Ansari engaged in sexual misconduct with her? Gross.

What part of him tricking her into “just chilling” and repeatedly putting her hand on his dick is consensual?

Oh Jesus Christ COME ON. “Why didn’t she simply walk out?” Yeah, and, like, why don’t abused women just leave their husbands? It’s just that simple, right?

I’m glad there’s finally a dude willing to be the arbiter of when women can feel like a guy acted inappropriately.