
Maybe because if it weren’t mentioned, some commentators would assume he was gay and looking to score with Kevin Spacey, and in some after-regret decided to accuse him instead.

It shouldn’t matter at all, but we still live in a world where that sort of shit will be twisted, if a better story can be made out of it.

We’ve been spending the last month working on the site launch, hence the slower-than-usual pace. But we’ll be at full speed next week!

Yay Content! I flip over to the Food subsection of AV Club now and again, and it seems kind of neglected. Happy to snob about beer and snark about regional food... I’ll be right over once you make the switch.

Two words: Reverse Vampires.

Well Jim Beam should be scared. The GOP has annihilated corporations across America with their boycotts. Take a look at the list of recent victims of their targets, mere husks of their former selves.

It’s an example of how quickly this stuff spins out into Rube Goldberg territory. If Oswald’s role was to take the fall for the assassination, why not just have him (or some other patsy with decent aim) pull the trigger? What kind of vast, well-resourced, stealthy conspiracy has a bunch of gunmen on scene, and a guy

You ask an excellent question! I’ll try to answer as succinctly as I can. The key to understanding Ruby’s actions, as with Oswald, is to understand his character. Gerald Posner does this far better than I can in his book “Case Closed,” but suffice to say there are numerous accounts that attest to Ruby’s mental

Take THAT, Richard Linklater! 

God that letter is so disorganized and full of speculation . And I so tire of the rhetorical argument that because person A has a connection to person B, person A must therefore be corrupt or otherwise in league with person B. It’s all a distraction to larger details far harder to refute. The fingerprints on the

Me thinks he doth protest to much. What exactly is Oliver Stone trying to hide? Where was he on November 22, 1963? Hanging out with Rafael Bienvenido Cruz perhaps?

Oh my god, Oliver Stone is a full-on internet conspiracy theorist. I guess it was bound to happen, but this is amazing. How did he send this letter, Sean? Does he trust e-mail? Did he send a courier?

If Oliver Stone wants to be part of the important conversations, he should just get himself a Kinja account.

Preceisely. THey want their names spoken of in hushed whispers. Instead the name of Richard Spencer should be met with hearty laughter.

Now playing

We’ve treated US cult racist figures as idiots here in the UK for a long time now.

I’m a big fan of ridicule as well. That they are evil doesn’t mean they aren’t also ridiculous, and exposing them to mockery does a lot to kill any idea of them being suave or cool.

While satisfying, it doesn’t really solve anything. I enjoyed Younge’s approach much better. Draw those of Spencer’s ilk out into the public forum and let their ideas face real scrutiny. A lot of Spencer’s beliefs rely on “wink-wink, nudge-nudge, minorities amiright?” tack, which is foundationally weak under the

Good. The Richard Spencer/Charles Murray/Breitbart type of racist wants desperately to be cool. Their entire modus operandi is trying to rebrand the image of “racist” from toothless hick into cool pop culture leader. (These guys are all either failed comics, screenwriters, or academics). They want to be Stephen

This article really resonated with me. I was ten when JFK came out and I saw it in the theater with my mom. For a kid who already had a nascent interest in UFO’s, the movie was gasoline for my “Don’t Trust The Man,” fire. Fed further by shows like Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings, and The X-Files, I spent the 90's in a