
Pleasantly shocked to see a positive outcome of the election!

I get a sort of crackling when i try definitely not a rumbling but we’re probably talking about the same thing?

He may have gone for the “obvious” but maybe it’s because those are all incredible him at least. If I had the money I’d get Lambos not exactly original and every1 else wants MX-5s and brown wagons so...

Yea :D

The beautiful sound of 2 V8s from the Urracco*

sultan of brunei has had cars custom made for him by the most exclusive marques (eg 550 estate)


entry from rear (of pic)

I’ve not but am not really enticed by EVs - the smell and especially the noise of ICE is a BIG part of driving. I mean just compare Forza and Gran Turismo (both similar but Forza has great sound, GT6 a bit hoover-y atm) and as much as i love GT i used to enjoy driving in Forza much more. And while it’s 1 aspect of

Just because Lambos are italian supercars doens’t mean the stereotypes can just be copy pasted to them. Their original V12 that they used from the Miura till Murcie (40 years of evolution!) is a very reliable engine relative to power output. People say because it’s understressed but frankly it’s always had very


They’ve got serious balls! Great and unique designs

You will be after the next C&C

It’s still an unanswered question, rider, got the answer?


Damn!!! didn’t know about this car

That car still looks futuristic today. 1 of the many amazing things about that car...and TVR in general (be back soon!!)


I love how sleek they are compared to the chubby newer ones