Clip probably intentionally ends when the PEOPLE PROHIBITED sign comes up :D
I've seen 1 possibly 2 Diablos in my life both over a decade ago when I lived in Oman. The one I remember was yellow, parked next to a shopping centre called Al-Harthy Complex :) I also distinctly remember a purple one but I know I had a big (bigger than a dinky car not sure what scale) purple Diablo toy. Yet I'm…
They are caught up in this thing all web media "have" to do which is frankly based on the same notion as "Miss World hopes for world peace" - by that I mean Jalopnik are in a very prominent position and they feel a need to push the women up. There's nothing wrong with an article about why the term is stupid. I didn't…
Huh? "Lamborghini's suck at being "super cars". Their performance envelope and capabilities are actually very limited. They're more or less cars for people who like to show off. Are they fast? Definitely. Are they as fast and capable as their direct competitors. Definitely not." And now "you demote" the Diablo from…
Damn!! SEO? It's so bad it's funny but if an angry ex posted on how they know bad comments are "hidden" their post would be hidden too right? XD
I don't know, article says English cars weren't popular as there's already a huge competitive local market for small cars. If the US makes a case there it has to be with medium sized cars I think. Also Vauxhall is UK only - Opel elsewhere (non US). And article says Opel already helped the foreign market make its best…
They're trying to keep a good man down!! :P
Yea, I asked if I ever got COTD could I have a pic with a Lambo and you agreed - thanks for taking that chance away half a year ago Jalopnik! ;D
Wow, half a year ago, and I only just noticed...really?! I haven't even been on Jalopnik more than a few memory's even worse than I thought! Glad to hear you're still doing your bit, and hey you promised me a Lambo one if I ever got COTD! :D
Right! Since restraint was never the intention here :P
What if it also functions as a big air intake? Makes a lot of sense, I bet where you can't see in the pic has a louvered section like you get just before the windshield in normal cars
There's only 1 state with legal brothels in the US?
But he's put impalement stoppers on each end of the top bar!!
Seeing that bloated thing after that intro was a slap in the face!
Incredible deal - you would expect closer to 7 figs for this
Great post!
This and the oter 550 post make me wonder, could you not get the 575 with a manual? Having a quick look on ebay shows 575s under $100k but with F1 transmissions
Lambo must win but this is a great much?