
Silverstone has lots of medium and high speed corners which favour the Mono but no long straights.

This actually worked really well!!

Very insect-like face, idk why but that's the very first thing I thought

What did Merc do?

I love third-world war horses. Pinnacle of efficiency, in the truest meaning of the word!

Well apparently you can't sit in it though that is likely easily fixed

"If the Lagonda's face actually looked good"

Hey requesting a Jalopnik follow here (I'm followed by Oppo but I see people who I know to be good posters in the grey and I would like to help colour them) thanks!

I thought that as well!

On a tangent I was talking about this to someone here the other day - I was thinking more along the lines of if you own a caravan could you get away with not having a house and save loads and one of the things he said was you have to pay to park on land per month - though I'm sure there's plenty of public land

Suggestion: What if those in the grey get ungreyed when their posts have been recommended by followed users over 10 times or had 5 replies from followed users? I ask because though I;m fairly active I don't know/remember most people that I bump into so I don't feel confident in following someone because of a good post

This video is private >.>

I like the restraint in the film too, nice clip

Suggestion to readers for this: Install apps such as Hover Zoom on your browser, to allow you to see the image in a link without having to click/tab :)

Sorry but I have a hard time believing a community with such hair-trigger reactions to, well, everything, would just calmly ignore what is one of the worst things you could see on the net. There's a reason he targeted Jezebel. Also no way this clown keeps posting those gifs to a nonchalant audience, for

I wonder what percentage decrease of efficiency ground effects, venturi tunnels and similar systems face over loose surfaces??

Your first paragraph must be true as apparently the problem has been ongoing for months iirc, and I've only recently become aware of this. But I'm really talking about before it got to that, back when the trolling was in its infancy. Jezebel's reaction is what caused it to become such a big deal, is my point.

Yea! And no it's not fair either!! But it's for the greater good and benefits outweigh the unfairness. Think of sth like Tax the Rich - why not 80+% tax on earnings above 500k? How much would that impede the life of that earner? But how much more good would it do for the rest??

I'll count it as that relic when it sports Angelfire gifs :D

Great 2nd paragraph, I saw the comparison to the FoST price and thought wth at first!