Wow, THREE of them inside, one elevated like a vertical F1! And those trucks take a while to change gear huh! Nice clip bro
Wow, THREE of them inside, one elevated like a vertical F1! And those trucks take a while to change gear huh! Nice clip bro
It then boils down to personality. Some guys, the appearance of their car doesn't matter. For most Jalops who have their own cars, it's the opposite
I was wondering the same thing and I roughly work it out like this: Start of .gif: The A7 passes 6 road dashes when camera car passes 4. This means the camera car is doing ~113mph. However, there is a (mini?)van on the right lane that is barely being overtaken by camera car. So, if the van is doing 100 (and the yellow…
No more preggers? :(
Do you own a car? Think of your prized possession being damaged. He's just told us the car was basically immaculate and someone puts a dent in it, you can fix a car but it hurts for it to happen and to have to do so.
Actually Kei cars are limited to 63hp, and if they are gonna sell it as one they will have to detune slightly
Apart from low ground pressure like others said, treads also have a lot more rubber in contact with the ground (a car's total contact patch equals just a diner plate!), so massive grip!
Hey man! Welcome! Been browsing long or just discovered?
Nope, angry at him and other douchebags' disgusting behaviour with cars
Yea, it's actually really sweet!
Hahahaha but aren't they all mandated to have an extinguisher in each car?
Any pic of the rear?
Yea m8
My impression is that Samir had some personal stuff going on. I don't think he had much attention on the rally.
He sits in a car and he drives," McNabb said. "That doesn't make you athletic... What athletically is he doing?"
Who says that everything good has been invented already? Throw ridiculously overpowered trucks, ridiculously oversized tires, ridiculously low levels of grip, and a few jumps together, and you've got a great mix. Now put it on pavement. Oh, and one of the drivers isn't even technically old enough to drive in some…