
Overhang won't change! And going from reading car catalogues and seeing weights of saloon and estate, I distinctly remember a 20kg gain. This was a Toyota brochure, late 90s. And yea, in the end it will ofc weigh the same as the other touring cars

I wouldn't add that much more for hills, it may lose on average 30% speed uphill but can gain 20-25% downhill as Jason estimated

I used to live in Oman :) i watched the first FF in Ruwi cinema (I think Shatti al Qurum wasn;t open at that time). Haven't been there in years man is everyone still choosing the Mustang in bright colours as the affordable sportscar of choice? :D

From on the grid till race finish a racer's heartbeat is ~180. Only marathon runners compare to a high bpm sustained for that long. Others have mentioned the body strength and endurance required to cope with constant g-loading, but one more aspect is the mental capacity of these guys. They have to process a LOT going

So forced.

I'd rather weigh a boot down myself than use weights, lot more fun that way! are you driving straight pipes from work to home without being towed by cops?

Maybe they knew that with Audi investment Lambo could only get bigger, and they can call FIRST!

We saw this day coming a long time ago, around the time when they said they;d have less cars than FM5, paid DLC even at launch, and just looking at how many DLCs the previous Forzas had. I'm extra smug because I have a PS3 and now I have absolutely no desire to get the next gen consoles at all >:)

IF IT AIN'T BROKE...Stock rims were far better m8!

This is a SERIOUSLY good looking car! Might be my favourite off-road design ever...

Was expecting another pic, since you posted this at 4.20pm :D

I like the grille but the lights are too big looking from the sides. Which is odd because they're great from the front!

I like that the shape is more wedged and Diablo-y, but I hope the final version would be a bit less Murcie and a bit more Veneno. GIVE VAG THE FINGER ;D

While a reputable source a claim like that really needs figures to back it up...

Opposite, man, that's an honest point and highly opinionated, far better to read

It's really surprising a car like this apparently didn't sell well stateside

"10 engineering secrets, 1 revealed - the car must maintain normal temperature in cabin@200mph whilst being quiet enough for normal conversation"

Any difference between Sierra Cosworth and Merkur?

Great comment