
So glad we have free reign with the course creator! 12-mile straights and 400mph+ speeds here we come!!!! :D

Funny but, what's this from?

The simple answer to the S/P problem of GT is this: it's there if you want it, if you don't, then ignore it. GT5 already had more premium cars than FM5 so if people do ignore the standard cars they should still have more cars overall, and more tracks obviously.

YES. I lost my xbox of 7 years to a disk drive that my basic tools could not keep running anymore, got a 2nd hand PS3, was initially happy then disappointed with GT5...NOW I GET APPARENTLY THE BEST RACING GAME EVER MADE AND FIVEZA FANS CAN ENJOY THEIR MONTHLY DLC COSTS. Oh, and I don't need to get the next gen

You're welcome! :P

Beer can leave nasty stains, and the kind of products you'd use to clean such a stain can't be great for that paint. Frankly I find this REALLY DISRESPECTFUL to such a beauty, especially since those 2 are trying to make a point, as they could've used anything else for this.

It's a "loose fraction" (get what I mean?) converted into a ratio out of a 100, hence the specific-seeming number. They really just mean 1/3 - 2/3

Thanks for this Mate, really cool car I never knew about!!

He's one of the few people who was actually there!

While his hands may still not be dainty enough for the real thing, realistically, Asimo could probably get the highest score in Guitar Hero :D

Alan Sugar needs one of these with working car horn. "You're fired" just isn't good enough anymore! Also, this would look better without the wheels, especially since most of the wheel's girth is "lost"

I wonder how videos such as this, showing what would normally be a very busy street, are filmed shown empty? In this case fair enough it may be filmed at 3am and not a main part of the city but I've seen commercials (would link vid if I knew what I was looking for!) and films where they show places like Time Square

At the start of the video, green SUV makes 6 turns to turn wheels from straight to left?? 12 turns lock-to-lock?!

Wow hahaha was not aware of this race before, thanks!! A lot of firsts happened that day :D

The only Chryslers you really see here are the minivan, and I see one every 1-2wks. And I see a 300c every 2-3wks. (UK)

It's a box of hate! Nice.

Next up: Removing Buzz from that pesky costume!

i LOVE this headlight-replaced-by-intake look. Like the TOP SECRET SUPRA!

It shouldn't be so easy to slap a name of great heritage onto any sequel and sell fuckloads but, well ^ Kinja is proof enough. On a side note, is the Delta (original Integrale) braking in that picture with the ominous absence of a brake light? Roof doesn't seem raked so steep in other pics and going by front left

Haha k I get it but then, the amount of words with sexual connotations now :D