
Thanks for that m8, it's really great when someone involved in the subject of an article explains things!

Oh! In that case, they could taper the high-end more, but maybe this is a work-in-progress.

Only a Diablo can make the rest of the garage seem dull. 2nd greatest car (aesthetics-weighted) of all time!

And as a bonus - no credit checks!

Very cool! Thus, it doesn't need all that damn editing like slo-mo. Also, give the poor buggy another gear! It's constantly on top speed...

So his overtake didn't count right?

How strong is the guy at 2:21?!

I didn't understand?

That was lovely m8!

Now playing

Satoshi Motoyama tries to fix DeltaWing for 2hrs at LM. It was so sad to see this new and different car in that state in a race they'd finally got to, and out of frustration towards the end he is upset and so lovely to see his team holding and reassuring him, and while he tried to hide his face we could see what the

Imagine a 4wd hatch with 335+ tyres and the ensuing ridiculous widebody required to house them creating a nice big area for an internal vaccuum system a la Chapparal 2J. And a stage 3 FI engine. What could beat it?????!

The object of your interest, here.

I don't see why KERS would be illegal, energy regeneration is used in EVs for economy already

C'mon bro! As a Jalop you know we don't like to be told speakers up then get music instead of ENGINE!


These are litigious would pretty much be a case of "why not?" He can only hope their kids didn't screw them over when they got old and thus made them bitter (and would corroborate the suicide angle)

So it's ok to spur people you are not in a relationship with (y)

Now in Kinja: Spot the former/current SS owner ;D

Hmm, I see your point, but it also makes it look "cleaner"

Only US I've spent much time in was Michigan - Grand Rapids is pretty "normal suburbia" according to my cousin, but there is still more car customisation there than here (UK) generally. I love that people make a car their own; lifts are cool ONLY if the truck is going offroad but we all know they're not...probably