
Hahaha this was funny to read! Couple points: The Pound is just 15% stronger than the Euro. Wouldn't account for the $half-mil. What's really happening is he's giving the car's currency values when sold in the local market. Usually and sadly, cars are more expensive here, like pretty much everything. eg on the Mini UK

Actually, he sounded like Harris to me and I only realised when he turned his face to the camera :D

Because they don't bother watching what they can buy? ;D

I heard you like something else like that :D

Currently, only if your initials are LH ;)

It's really great that they sell sports cars properly but you are comparing a Lambo to cars with six-figure production totals. More variants are not really an option for an exotic that may sell a handful of cars in a particular configuration so no return.

All performance car manufacturers get it, it's just that they need to sell x cars with a manual to make it viable.

Would be really great! They could make a racing series that puts the competitors in a different car class every week (minivans, SUVs, caravans (Top Gear episode, fantastic!! Added bonus is that when they start hitting things parts of them break off :D), trucks, tractors, road trains...then the competition is well and

Someone in the YT comments mentioned a CVT as well

The perfect car! But if it was realistically going to happen, we need a supercar with far more production totals!

Go to YT and watch it there in the small screen size. Slow PCs can't handle displaying vids fullscreen if the resolution is high and there's lots going on. Works for me!

Don't bother bro, they'll decline your claim forgot to mention a scrape on your elbow when you had a scuffle in school

Purple is cool on a car! Just ask the DIABLO.

Seems like Dickie came the most.

Sweet! You have a manual!!

Brendan Fraser? :D

I can't believe the DIABLO hasn't been mentioned yet! I want the JOTA, in purple but with the rims of the orange model (Italian 5-pot rims are so sexy, gives the Alfa pepperpots a run)


Interesting. Salaried dentists in the NHS make £75k + and with experience they enter the top pay band which is £100k. Not a take home though, life here is very expensive. Go private!!

Tiff drove it on an early 5G episode, the car has a racing tranny (with flappies) which is acceptable noise (and scary sounding (y)) in a straight-pipe racecar but in the road car is pretty harsh. Still, WORTH IT, and also one of the few supercars not to look good in red! Maybe because it's a Merc you just can only