
​"It’s not that “Episode 6” is uneventful—quite the opposite…But many of these scenes feel like manufactured obstacles on the scale of Galaxy Quest’s chompers, while others suffer from being telegraphed, obvious, or simply inadequate."

They did refine the the core game mechanics as they went along, yeah, so it's possible.

I loved this film and had no issue making emotional connection to the main character, but it's definitely very simple (I honestly think that made it even easier to make a direct emotional connection). My minor point of contention is the "conversation" thing. I agree, but I don't think it's a criticism. We put a bit

I only played it years after it came out, so it's possible it held up better when it was released and I'm being unfair on the technical limitations it had. Just felt it didn't hold up, except in the art (which is really nice for a PS2 game). And yeah, the series' overall story seems to have gotten incomprehensible

Mechanically I thought KH was kind of poor. Even when it came out there were better designed action games. The levels are cramped, the camera is annoying, the action is simple and hitting enemies is weirdly unsatisfying (I think it's the sound design). Love the silly concept though.

Nobody thinks Space Jam is good. It's all nostalgic irony, not that that isn't hitting peak saturation either.

From someone with no nostalgic attachment to whatever it was before, Netflix Voltron is, indeed, awesome.

I was wondering why nobody had Red Turtle on their lists, turns out it doesn't open until January in America.

Only if you don't count anime

Yeah. It's possible that I just had the wrong set of expectations, it might be more enjoyable if I go in treating it as an adventure game rather than survival horror. It's at least a better approach than some of the other later Silent Hill games.

The problem I had with Shattered Memories is that once I realised there was no danger in the game at all, until it threw you into the ice segments, it sucked all the tension out of the game. The creepy atmosphere just felt hollow, which is a shame, because what you mention about the plot is still true

If we're supposed to dislike del toro now I probably missed the memo. It's been a while, but I remember really liking Hellboy 2 for it's weirdness and creative energy, the kind you find in good comics. Likewise I loved Pacific Rim for what it was: a love letter to cheesy anime with awesome kaiju fights (one of my

uhh, isn't the author of this review a black woman? just sayin

And in the second film all the decisions he makes are the wrong ones. Maybe the kid just wasn't cut out for the whole king dealie

Actually pretty damn funny, and in a way it was sort of ahead of its time? Only it's still more bearable than a lot of the wink-wink-nod-nod type humour in modern animated films.

I liked the art style too, it was distinct from other Disney features. I'm also a sucker for stuff based in myth. Too bad the package as a whole was so uneven (though, as a kid, I don't think I gave a shit).

The Lion King was one of the first films I was really obsessed with. I'm okay with this. I rather enjoyed The Jungle Book, this might be fun as well. I apologise for the lack of required snark or cynicism in my comment.

I like Hercules too. But none of them were as successful on a pure numbers basis.

woah you guys are salty about this

Most Adult Swim shows are low budget, limited animation aren't they? Maybe he can't do what he wants there. Maybe he wants to make stuff for kids. Honestly I'm not sure, even though I've read his blog a bunch of times.