
I fully agree. Unfortunately John K's idiosyncrasies and doggedness to do things his way (which is what make his creations so unique and great) rubs the studios the wrong way.

I don't think you can dismiss all its imitators out of hand, otherwise you'd be dismissing most western cartoons since the early 90s. I think Ren & Stimpy set such a strange new standard that it allowed creators to pitch their own unique, interesting, storyboard and animator-driven stuff, which was a godsend for

I know this thread is super old, but have you written a post anywhere with recommendations for television animation and/or short films? You really opened my eyes to a lot of animation I hadn't seen before.

I mostly jumped ship from Magic to Android: Netrunner a while back. The LCG model of fixed distribution is much more appealing than CCGs, and its chock-full of both strategy and flavour. Also started to pick up Doomtown, which is great for the same reasons. There are other aspects of their design which I find more