
I've been flagging lots as spam/harassment.

Don’t forget the ones derailing the comments/missing the point with cries of “women can be toxic too!!11" Yes, but this isn’t about women so stfu and go back to spamming Buzzfeed comments. smdh

Oh, these guys are terrifying. Caught this once while flipping channels and stopped to watch a minute or two, mumbling “what the *fuck* am I looking at?”

My nieced loved this when she was tiny. I always wanted to punch that whiny green one. 

Go fuck yourself. 

Why should women have to give up their homes, friends, and families? Why shouldn't they stay and fight back?

All of these gunmen should have started their shooting sprees with turning the guns on themselves.

You fucking KNOW Eyepatch Guy thinks he looks hawt 🙄

Fuck. These. People. How dare they? How fucking DARE they force the victims of assault to not only be incubators, but force them to suffer further trauma in doing so?

Evangelicals, corporate lobbyists. That's just off the top of my head.

Replying here b/c I don’t want to interact with you:

LOL. Adoption isn't being threatened, women's bodily autonomy is. Troll harder.

I simply do not understand why these “pro-life”, religious turd-blossoms hate women, and the idea that women should get to enjoy sex without being “punished” with pregnancy and childbirth, so very fucking much.

I hate Lush, and I hate bath bombs (don’t @ me).


Ugh, Cell. A thoroughly forgettable book, yet I still bristle at its mention, thinking of the time I wasted finishing it.

EW is the worst about spoilers, warnings or not.

Okay, now I'm tearing up! This is lovely.

These two... are exhausting.

I wondered the same. I would have laughed my pro-choice ass off.