
“Human Rights Protection Act”

I just started watching, and boy has this show reawakened my ladyboner for Robert Carlyle. Every time Mr Gold shows up, I just think, *damn*.

‘Chili’ is a good name, but ‘Cornbread' is an ADORABLE name. Is Cornbread the tabby?

I specifically told my husband not to get me an engagement ring, because I don’t like diamonds (I know I could get another stone if I wanted, but still). I also hated the idea of catching the damn thing on my clothes or hair. Most of the rings I wear for fun are just bands, no stones.

“My abortion was right for me until I felt guilty about it, so I’m going to make sure noone else has access” fuck you, lady. Fuck. You.

Oh, Gaga, honey,  you can do *so much* better. 

Thank God for my hysterectomy. 

I’m not sure what I want to go away more: Cardi B, or the constant articles about her on Jez.

I miss Horizons too.

Olaf can die in a fucking fire. And he got super close in the movie and I wish he would have.

My thought is, maybe because hormonal birth control can make some women gain weight? (God forbid a man beating it to porn have to look at a girl with ten extra lbs on her, eyeroll.)

“I’m here for the men who actually want to have their baby

Wonderfully put.

Idk, but I’m sure that, eventually, every 3rd article on Jez will be about him...

This sounds like legitimate torture.

“And LICK THE MIRROR handsome!"

Warlock, imho.

“If anything, he’s TOO handsome”

Jeeze. The most I ever heard about abortion in my Baptist church (of which, I am no longer a member) was when the pastor vaguely mentioned meeting up to ‘peacefully protest’ at a Planned Parenthood, near the end of the sermon. I was rather shocked by the statement, but also drinking the “aBoRtIoN kIlLs TeH bAbBeHz”

Oh, FUCK, no.