
You will need a screwdriver, a pair of tweezers, a magnifying glass (optional), some salt (~1tbsp), and a bag of chicken feed, preferably corn-based.

Yes!! Now we know what happened to Francatelli after he left Victoria’s service to open his own bake shop!

Super-nerd reference here: The Book of G’Kar in Babylon 5. Each copy is reproduced faithfully by hand.

Lolzz.... that gif should have been the single post movie credits...

It’s so unfair that Usain Bolt only competes against humans. He should have to race a cheetah so that he’s not winning a medal in a competition with mere bipedal apes

Slab Hardcheese, Big McLargehuge, Dirk Hardpeck, Butch Deadlift, Gristle McThornbody, Bob Johnson.

Usain Bolt!

Actors who already have Star Wars names:

The problem is that it’s rooted in Maher’s clear prejudice against comic book/SF films. You could make the exact same argument about most of the Hollywood action movies of the ‘80s and ‘90s, like Rambo. (Which, if anything, are even more overt power fantasies because they’re supposed to take place in the real world.)

Hi. I’m a libertarian and the vast majority of everything Bill Maher says would be greeted with “fuck off slaver” in the Reason comments section.

I think Maher ‘sucks’ because he’s got his head up his ass so far he’s lost touch with reality, the same way his right-wing counterparts like Coulter, Limbaugh, O’Reilly, etc do. I’d like him a lot more if he’d actually say something intelligent instead of just using his brains to think about what he can say in a

I think the real news is that some people still think his voice is relevant or useful in some way. Fuck his anti-vaxxing ass to hell and back.

What’s really unfortunate is that Maher has the potential to be both extremely intelligent and uproariously funny. I think he’s failing to avoid that “crotchety old man that doesn’t like change and is vocal about his shitty, dated opinions” phase of his life.

He’s the walking stereotype of “liberal elitist” that the right loves to trot out, without any of the benefits like appreciating diversity or a good education to back it up. Up there with Richard Dawkins in terms of toxic personalities that are damaging to left-wing politics, except Dawkins has the redeeming quality

It is understandable for someone to be legitimately fatigued by the over saturation of superhero films but to turn that feeling into blame for society electing a sentient circus peanut as their president is just dumb as well as completely misunderstands the culture surrounding these movies.

Trump also got elected by a culture of constantly denying/ignoring facts that don’t fit a person’s preconceived opinions. Another thing Bill Maher might be familiar with.

Old person baffled, frightened by changes in popular culture; news at 11.

What a goofy argument.

Note to self: add “Curt Schilling’s bankrupt ass” to Cards Against Humanity deck....