Ugh You get those comments, too? I usually respond with “Well, one finds time for what’s important, doesn’t one?” or “Idle hands, don’t you know.” or “I knit so I don’t stab people.” All delivered with the sweetest of smiles, of course ;)
Ugh You get those comments, too? I usually respond with “Well, one finds time for what’s important, doesn’t one?” or “Idle hands, don’t you know.” or “I knit so I don’t stab people.” All delivered with the sweetest of smiles, of course ;)
Do it! Youtube really helps and, of course, the community on Ravelry! Local yarn stores might help and sometimes Michaels or AC Moore have free classes. I need to finish some years old cross stitch projects but time...
Stress knitting is the best! I knit so I don’t stab people :)
Thanks for this! Our local theatre outside Charlotte is doing this! Mr. Safety is off Monday and getting our tickets. I’ve already seen it twice when it came out and made him watch it on HBO ;) so we won’t be too sad if the tickets are gone before we get ours. I loved the who audience experience with this movie!
+1 for Vegas! 2nd marriage for both of us. He hated his first wedding (big - for the ex and her mom), and I never wanted a big wedding (1st was JOTP). We did a cute chapel and spent money on the photographer then had the limo take us to In-N-Out for dinner. Just the two of us.
all the stars are for you <3
So many sins (ala Cinemasins on youtube - I’d link but I’m at work with firewalls and sad trombones)
Mr Safety and I played Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime with our BFFs over New Years and quickly became addicted! We only visit them once a year, and one of our traditions is to play Rock Band (except for this year. We are not gamers (still play with our Wii - Not even Wii U). We all really had a great time playing. A…
Thanks for these articles. Talking about the details of death is necessary and needs to be normalized.
+1 for referencing correct OSHA regulations!
So far, so good! Since November, Mr. Safety and I have been going to the gym together three days a week. This week, I added going three days by myself.
Thanks for the info! Yeah, I’m not experienced enough to root my phone :/ Maybe one day I will spend the time and effort to learn :)
Yeah, so when I tap the specific permission like Microphone, I only get info about the microphone permission - nothing to turn it off. My Android version is 5.1.1 but updates automatically (should I turn that off?). I checked online and pretty much most results say that 5.1.1 does not support controlling app…
Galaxy J3 2016. I only have “Applications” which only has two choices: Application manager and Default applications. I can look at all the apps downloaded and on SD card but there is no option to turn off any permissions. I can only uninstall :( sad trombone
Thanks! I downloaded a Christmas one and didn’t even make it to the actual story :)
Samsung Droid user here. Did a random check, and I found the following have permission to record audio at any time without my permission: Chrome, Instagram, Fire TV, Google (can also make calls that cost money without my permission - and so does My Sprint - wtf), OneNote, and Netflix.
This has been my pet peeve for years! Most sites ask questions that can be found online (banking, credit cards, health care, you know -super important stuff that I want to keep super secure). I wish more sites would let me pick my own questions but I’ll try this instead!
I got a VeryFit last Christmas from a BFF (yes, we are still friends). Its very basic but has been great knowing my steps. I haven’t lost any weight because other health issues but I like the sedentary alarm and checking my steps throughout the day to help me determine what I need to do (more gym time or wii fit or…