Great! Feel free to reach out to me at any time. I have a supportive partner (most of the time), and I dropped everyone who wasn’t supportive. I don’t have the energy to convince anyone otherwise. Sounds harsh but self preservation often is...
Great! Feel free to reach out to me at any time. I have a supportive partner (most of the time), and I dropped everyone who wasn’t supportive. I don’t have the energy to convince anyone otherwise. Sounds harsh but self preservation often is...
Chronic Pain sufferer here. It’s different for everyone but try to find a support group (even online). It helps me to have my feelings validated by others in similar circumstances. Some days, it’s all I can do to keep from stabbing someone in the eye. Other days, I can stay even tempered by going through breathing…
Good one!
I always thought 1) Photoshop and/or 2) Two different people.
Sweet! It is cool to see experiments go to pilot plant and then scale up to full production.
OMG Pagers! Flashback to when they were ‘cool’ before drug dealers had them lol
Safety is not a one and done. It has to be sustained, so after I left, their safety KPI plunged into the red zone. The manager couldn’t handle the amount of work I was doing :) And, working is to pay the bills. I like what I do and the people. I can always manage up ;)
Oooh labs! I love labs! What kind? I have all kinds of experience (research, quality, etc.). ;)
OR if you are doing your job too well, they don’t think they need you anymore. I was laid off because Safety’s Key Performance Indicators were all green (good), while Quality, Distribution, etc. were all red (bad). Obviously they didn’t need Safety anymore #sarcasm ...
I don’t live in the area anymore but the Poconos and Jim Thorpe was always pretty spectacular around President’s Day. Not sure if any parts are a National or State Park...
“If you happen across a dead animal in the brush, don’t investigate it and leave the area.”
Great article! Thanks!
I forwarded to HR. ;)
Thanks! A lot of great tips here
Mr Safety and I eloped and it was the best.decision.ever. Second marriage for both of us, and neither of us ever wanted a wedding. He had one for his first and hated it, and I don’t have that Cinderella gene (my first wedding was a chaplain and two friends as witnesses then dinner out). I was a guest speaker at a…
I love yarn. Yeah, I’m gonna have to find another method... ;)