
And I’ve seen this done vertically with clothespins on a ribbon to hang hats (winter, baseball).

I’m game to try this.

If you are in the right area, the orange innards (?) can be used to feed orioles.

That’s AWESOME! Circle of life! There are way more sparrows than hawks!

while sitting in the corner of the room, rocking gently back and forth...

This. Don’t get a large person something in a medium size (unless you are a dick). It will just get regifted... A gift card is the right size (never too big), the right color, etc... ;)

Which Williamsburg?

I’ve been practicing yoga for DECADES and have NEVER come across a yoga class that gets “caught up in the eastern mysticism thing.” What’s your reference point?

Yeah, “must control fists of rage” is a phrase that comes to mind :) I’ve offered to teach someone to knit or crochet so they get the personal satisfaction of making it themselves LOL

I know! Unless you get it on super sale/clearance, a few skeins of yarn can cost $50 or more and it can take literally tens of hours to complete a project. Right now, I’m finishing a cardigan that is taking 100 hours and costing $75 in yarn at 50% off. And people wonder why I think they are crazy for asking me to make

Thanks! :)


Thanks! I try.

Puhlease! Just because no one has said anything or made you stop doesn’t mean you are not exposing yourself and others to hazardous chemicals, plus the air pollution. And, what do you do with the mess when it is done? Leave it for the rain to wash the ash down the storm drain or local waterway? Or put it in a landfill

Some of the better pallets are heat treated but they are expensive so companies internally recycle them. If you find a heat treated one, it is safer but I do agree with you. I don;t understand the fascination with wood treated with hazardous chemicals :/

DIY is very nice but don’t throw your pearls before swine. Make sure they are worthy of your time and efforts (and supplies). I knit, crochet, sew, etc. and very rarely do it for other people.

Sorry that happened to you. Make sure you give the electric company that kind of feedback! They SHOULD be concerned since they are liable for the contractors. #justsayin’

When we lived in Lee County NC (center of the state), Duke Energy mailed us an offer for 12 free CFLs. We filled it out and returned it (postage paid!) and got a box of bulbs!

Thanks for the link. Going to try this tonight. I usually use guided meditations and that works pretty well but I’m always game for something new!