That’s one of the best parts of the show ;) That and the pest control truck name changes too! And the burger of tghe day. Fun show!
Another math trick: Calculate how long it takes to work off the cost. Is that trinket worth x hours of work?
Why? Because TimeWarner was the ONLY cable provider. We went with satellite.
When I went to an Eagles game in the “new” (at the time) stadium, a fight broke out a few rows in front of me. Drunk fan of opposing team wouldn’t shut up even when repeatedly asked/told by Eagles fan. Drunk finally stands up, turns around, and says “Make me MFers!” Eagles fan clocks him. Drunk falls backwards down on…
5. Keep your mouth SHUT. You don’t have to repeat everything someone tells you. And, you don’t have to say everything that pops in your head.
Good for you! I wish my parental units had done that :/
The University I attended had hundreds of people in a class in auditoriums with no attendance, so... no accountability + kids = fail LOL
Yes but the side effects were too severe (aggravated my asthma, sinus congestion on top of allergies, stomach issues, ugh). Thanks for asking :)